*BSD News Article 34406

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From: root@cybernet.com (Mark Taylor)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Modem not detected on FreeBSD bootup
Date: 16 Aug 1994 17:09:27 GMT
Organization: Cybernet Systems, Inc.
Lines: 27
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <32qrs7$2a0$3@heifetz.msen.com>
References: <1994Aug12.113813.70458@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu>

In article <1994Aug12.113813.70458@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu>, arc3d@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu writes:
|> Hi, there,
|>     I just loaded FreeBSD- onto my new hard drive and everything seems
|>     to be working fine, but with only one problem.   My Zoom 14.4 fax/modem
|>     set to COM4 in DOS works fine, but doesn't get recognized in FreeBSD.
|>     On bootup, the sio3 (address 0x2E8) indicates 'no device detected'.  I
|>     checked the FAQ and couldn't find any help.  So what should I do to make
|>     the Zoom get known on boot?  Any help is appreciated.  
|> Alan

Is the IRQ for sio3 set right in your kernel config file?  If you are not sure
what to set it at, use the MS-DOS command "msd" and check your IRQs, it will tell
you what IRQ COM4 is at.  Use this in your kernel config file.

If you still have problems, enable debugging on that com port by setting "flags
0x0080" on the sio3 line.  It will give a few more diagnostic messages during
the probe (see the man page on sio).

-Mark Taylor