*BSD News Article 34260

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From: roberto@keltia.frmug.fr.net (Ollivier Robert)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Wuftpd and Pcnfsd won't work!!
Date: 12 Aug 1994 21:42:02 +0200
Organization: A Happy FreeBSD 1.1.5 Usenet Site
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <32gjao$1un@keltia.frmug.fr.net>
References: <preece.3.00056991@slick.clare.tased.edu.au>
Reply-To: roberto@hsc.fr.net (Ollivier Robert)
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In article <preece.3.00056991@slick.clare.tased.edu.au>,
PAUL E.   REECE <preece@slick.clare.tased.edu.au> wrote:
> Hello all...
> I recently upgraded to FreeBSD and I'm having trouble getting Wuftpd 
> v2.4 and Sun's rpc.pcnfsd working!!
> Both compile and run fine, but don't recognize passwords!!

Add a -lcrypt on the LIBS line (or whatever allow you  to add libraries) in
the Makefile and relink. If it is not into the FAQ, then it should.

Assuming you have the free crypt library libcrypt some where in /usr/lib of

Ollivier ROBERT                                           roberto@hsc.fr.net
Hervé Schauer Consultants                Ollivier.Robert@keltia.frmug.fr.net
PERL / MIME / PGP / 4.4BSD      FreeBSD keltia 1.1.5(RELEASE) RELEASE#0 i386