*BSD News Article 34208

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From: root@cybernet.com (Operator (aka Mark Taylor))
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: FreeBSD SoundBlaster support
Date: 12 Aug 1994 15:08:29 GMT
Organization: Cybernet Systems, Inc.
Lines: 40
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <32g39d$ped$2@heifetz.msen.com>
References: <321lar$k58@qualcomm.com> <323cbg$mo9@agate.berkeley.edu> <323g2o$93c@sandra.teleport.com>

In article <323g2o$93c@sandra.teleport.com>, bmk@teleport.com (bmk) writes:
|> In article <323cbg$mo9@agate.berkeley.edu>,
|>  <tmonroe@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:
|> >I know that you would have preferred email, but this (I think) is
|> >important enough to tell everyone about.  I recently upgraded to
|> >, and I tried to use the same kernel config file to build my
|> >first kernel.  Under 1.1R, my Sound Blaster kernel was ~576K.
|> >However, under, the same kernel config file produced a kernel
|> >which, although under 640K, wasn't far enough under 640K that the
|> >kernel could function properly.  (It was about 639K.)  It would reboot
|> >in the middle of the reboot, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.  Perhaps the
|> >core team could explain this behavior?  And what makes the Sound
|> >Blaster code bloat the kernel to such an ungainly size?
|> My kernel (with SB support compiled in, all of the devices and such I
|> don't need strippted out) weighs in at 670393 (654K) bytes.  This is
|> under
|> I thought that there was a limit of 640K?  Under 1.1-BETA, I couldn't
|> use a kernel over 640K; now I can.   Hmmm.
|> -- 
|> bmk@teleport.com  | "You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get 
|> Portland, OR      | yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is
|>                   | to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding
|>                   | fathers used in the struggle for independence."-C.A. Beard

I think that the 640Kbyte limit is on the DATA+TEXT segment size.  There is some
stuff in the kernel that is neither (?).  I've got a kernel which has
SoundBlaster, ethernet, SCSI, and NFS, etc..., support which is 670679 bytes long.

If you want to reduce the size of your kernel, using the options "EXCLUDE_GUS"
and "EXCLUDE_PAS" may help.  This tells the kernel not to compile in support for
the Gravis UltraSound and the ProAudio Spectrum boards.

-Mark Taylor