*BSD News Article 34053

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.questions:12196 comp.os.386bsd.bugs:2383
Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!uunet!news.sprintlink.net!nwnexus!chinook!blood
From: blood@chinook.halcyon.com (Eric Blood)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.os.386bsd.bugs
Subject: Re: Installation of NetBSD and FreeBSD on to SCSI failing (SUMMARY)
Date: 4 Aug 1994 19:10:07 GMT
Organization: NWNEXUS, Inc. - Making Internet Easy
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <31reef$bsa@nwfocus.wa.com>
References: <31mu7v$5sg@nwfocus.wa.com> <jbrown.66.00092AFA@umi.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: chinook.halcyon.com

In article <jbrown.66.00092AFA@umi.com>, Jim Brown <jbrown@umi.com> wrote:
>Hmmm... I have a 1542CF installed.  Let's see:
>I remember having this same problem when I tried to 'tune' the 1542CF for
>different transfer rates, "Advanced configuration Options", etc. thinking
>I could get better performance.  Not so.

I tried messing with this and didn't get any results.

>I then took all the default soft options for the card.  I am not using
>the on-board floppy controller, so SW5 is toggled.  You must have either
>an external terminator installed, or set 'Host Adapter SCSI Termination"
>to Enabled.  BTW, your drive should also be terminated.  Check drive docs.

Finally, I stripped out all the cards except video and SCSI.  I went
over all the hard drive, cdrom, and tape jumper settings and 
termination.  I checked over the SCSI card settings.  This is where I
found the problem.  The termination on the SCSI host was set incorrectly,
and when corrected, I was able to see the drive label (partitions).
I was still getting the file system full errors.  So, I redid the boot
and file system disks with rawrite and tried again.  FreeBSD was installed
last night.

However, NetBSD is still not booting.  It will cycle through the cmd
fail and abort failed in wait errors when it goes through the initial
device detection of the SCSI card.

I just want to thank all those who offered suggestions.
Eric V. Blood
The Winky Wooster | 7311 Coal Cr Pkwy SE #E205 | "Kiss my ASCII"
blood@halcyon.com | Renton, WA 98059-3172      | (206) 271-6772 Voice/Data