*BSD News Article 3132

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From: eshc@elijah.ee.ic.ac.uk (Eric Cheung)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: extract ran for 7+ hours: HELP!!
Message-ID: <1992Aug5.153732.17286@cc.ic.ac.uk>
Date: 5 Aug 92 14:37:32 GMT
References: <1992Aug3.173550.10601@nrao.edu>
Organization: Imperial College London
Lines: 38
Nntp-Posting-Host: elijah.ee
X-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL3

cflatter@nrao.edu (Chris Flatters) writes:
: It's 1.  I had this problem until the extra SIMM's for my CompuAdd system
: arrived (but I didn't have the patience to wait seven hours).  Uncompress
: (the cpio archive is compressed) has a habit of taking infinite time if it
: runs out of memory.
: 	Chris Flatters
: 	cflatter@nrao.edu

Thanks Chris.  For those who had the same problem, this is what I did to get
round it:

	# cd /etc
	# cat bin01.* > bin01.Z
	# rm bin01.??
	# uncompress bin01.Z
	# cd /
	# cpio -idalmu < /etc/bin01

Because I am not using pipe and only running 1 process at a time, there was
enough memory for uncompress.

Thereafter, things got a bit more chaotic.  I am sure there are better ways of
doing things, but I rebooted, ran fsck manually (as requested during bootup),
ran MAKEDEV std, edited /etc/rc to comment out several deamons to save RAM,
and put my machine name in /etc/myname.  It seems to work OK except it did a
lot of swapping.

Having said all the above, I think I will buy some RAM and reinstall 386BSD
properly using extract again.  However, this does let me play around with the
system for a bit, and give me the extra incentive to save up for the RAM.

Incidentally, I do wish 'extract' is a script so I could use it to do the 
bit after the extraction.

Eric Cheung
[The above is just what I did.  If you try it, do it at your own risk.]