*BSD News Article 3087

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Path: sserve!manuel!munnari.oz.au!uunet!olivea!decwrl!access.usask.ca!regina!udevdiv!roe
From: roe@Unibase.SK.CA (Roe Peterson)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: mysterious system hangups
Message-ID: <1992Aug4.175738.7008@Unibase.SK.CA>
Date: 4 Aug 92 17:57:38 GMT
Organization: Unibase Telecom Ltd.
Lines: 26

This is in relation to the many reports of mysterious system hangups
during heavy disk load.

	- regardless of disk controller, heavy disk access (ie:
	  extract, kernel rebuild, libc.a rebuild) seems to
	  cause system lockups at unpredictable intervals.
	- sync() still seems to be running, as no file-system
	  damage occurs after a reset.
	- interrupts seem to work (keyboard LEDs still
	  respond, character echo still works, telnet
	  connects, but no login process appears).
	- amount of memory and swap space appear to have nothing
	  to do with the problem (despite previous theories
	  posted by yours truly).
	- occasionally, rather than a hangup, a "panic: kmem_malloc:
	  kern_map too small" happens.
	- running manual sync commands during such disk activity
	  seems to make things work better.

I've finally had my system stay up long enough to compile a debug
version of the kernel, and a different thing happens:  I get a
"panic: remrq"

Is anyone out there familiar enough with BSD to tell me if this
problem could be related to the sync daemon?