*BSD News Article 30737

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From: deraad@CUTL.City.UniSA.edu.au (Mark de Raad)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Linux or FreeBSD?
Date: 23 May 1994 05:36:04 GMT
Organization: University of South Australia
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <2rpfc4$bf4@ntx.City.UniSA.edu.au>
References: <Cq6u20.KFw@hkuxb.hku.hk>
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Andrew C. F. Wong (cfwong@csd.hku.hk) wrote:
 @:>Dear all,

 @:>	I want to setup a unix-compliant system on my 486 machine.
 @:>	However, I am stuck to which one shall I choose, Linux or
 @:>	freeBSD? 

Aaaaarggh... not this again! ;-)

For information about all the 1000000's of arguements in favour
or against either OS, please check the posts of the last few months... youll
find a lot of material which covers your post in explicit detail.

For your info, Im using FreeBSD at the moment on a 486DX-66 with 16 MB ram
and a 2.2G Conner SCSI HDD with excellent results.



Mark W. de Raad
Centre for University Teaching and Learning
University of South Australia

Telephone: +61 8 302 2063

'Never abuse or curse something as precious and fragile as your existence'