*BSD News Article 30524

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From: jkh@nx.ilo.dec.com (Jordan Hubbard)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux,comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Motif libraries - where to get?
Date: 17 May 1994 12:11:29 GMT
Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation, Galway Ireland
Lines: 11
Message-ID: <JKH.94May17131129@nx.ilo.dec.com>
References: <1994Apr22.041739.2850@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU> <jan.767892480@pandonia>
	<JKH.94May16155952@nx.ilo.dec.com> <csshah.769109255@sugarcane>
NNTP-Posting-Host: nx.ilo.dec.com
In-reply-to: csshah@sugarcane.vislab.olemiss.edu's message of 16 May 94 17:27:35 GMT

In article <csshah.769109255@sugarcane> csshah@sugarcane.vislab.olemiss.edu (Viren R. Shah) writes:
   >Sorry - as recently stated, these binaries were made available for
   >FreeBSD-current; I don't have a FreeBSD 1.1R system handy.  If I find

   If you are referring to the Mosaic in /pub/FreeBSD/incoming, then it
   works with 1.1R cause I'm running it on such a system.

It's hard to say now, since I think a couple of people are now splatting
dueling Mosaics into the same location! :-)
