*BSD News Article 30059

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From: castro@norm.eng.gtefsd.com (J. Carlos Castro)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: FreeBSD or NetBSD for the Sun386i
Date: 6 May 1994 01:41:59 -0400
Organization: GTE Federal Systems Division, Chantilly VA
Lines: 9
Message-ID: <2qclb7$gjg@norm.eng.gtefsd.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: norm.eng.gtefsd.com

I would like to port either FreeBSD or NetBSD to the Sun386i
Anyone have any suggestions or helpful hints before I undertake
this task?

jcastro@gmu.edu       |  I need to make lots of money so I will
castro@eng.gtefsd.com |  be able to afford sending my wife on 
J. Carlos Castro      |  shopping sprees during football season.