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From: hasty@netcom.com (Amancio Hasty Jr)
Subject: Re: OpenStep for $100
Message-ID: <hastyCoqAtn.H37@netcom.com>
Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest)
References: <2p3obs$f8k@acme.gatech.edu> <hastyCoLKuB.BtF@netcom.com> <Coop38.27y@rex.uokhsc.edu>
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 20:12:58 GMT
Lines: 46

In article <Coop38.27y@rex.uokhsc.edu> benjamin-goldsteen@uokhsc.edu writes:
>hasty@netcom.com (Amancio Hasty Jr) writes:
>>In article <2p3obs$f8k@acme.gatech.edu> ccastco@prism.gatech.edu (Costas Malamas) writes:
>>>In article <cairnss.766797259@ucsu.colorado.edu>,
>>>Queenie <cairnss@ucsu.Colorado.EDU> wrote:
>>> >dmuir@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Douglas Muir) writes:
>>> >
>Actually, an SGI Indy isn't too much more than a well equiped PC -- and
>you get a lot of extra value.
Also, the HP and Dec low end workstations fall in this category.

Well, $5000 SGI Indy is for a diskless configuration or so I remember
the last time. Its X performance from a visual inspection did not
strike me as being that fast. The new S3 [89]64 based cards will 
probably be in the range of the SGI Indy. Thomas Roell has rated
his X server at around 260k xstones for an S3 964 based board.
On 3D graphics, the SGI will most likely leave us on the dust till
the new 3D graphic chipsets hit the market.

Fully functionable P90 systems are starting to sell at around
$4000. You add about $1000 worth of software to the system and
is more than a match for low end workstations (except in the
area of 3D graphics).

>>The real question should be to whom do we wish to target FreeBSD to ?
>People who want a stable UNIX for programming, X11, freeware apps, and

We are already doing that;however, when people start asking questions
like if we would like OpenStep then I think the target users is different
than the ones that we have now. So if we are going to a more user
friendly market then perhaps re-vamping our tools may help us get
there. For instance, a better interface to gdb, gcc, and emacs...
Yes, I know that emacs has that capability but I am think in terms
of Visual C++.

FREE unix, gcc, tcp/ip, X, open-look,  tcl/tk, MIME, midi, sound
at  freebsd.cdrom.com:/pub/FreeBSD
Amancio Hasty,  Consultant |
Home: (415) 495-3046       |  
e-mail hasty@netcom.com	   |  ftp-site depository of all my work:    
ahasty@cisco.com           |  sunvis.rtpnc.epa.gov:/pub/386bsd/X