*BSD News Article 29813

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From: ack@clark.net (Eric S. Hvozda)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: [NetBSD-0.9] wdc0: extra interrupt kills init
Date: 29 Apr 1994 09:55:03 -0400
Organization: Clark Internet Services, Inc.
Lines: 37
Message-ID: <2pr3jn$30@explorer.clark.net>
References: <2ppqam$q9@agate.berkeley.edu>
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In article <2ppqam$q9@agate.berkeley.edu>,
Alan Pearson <alanp@cory.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:
>Like I expected, all has not gone smoothly.  I used to have a very
>good fix?  I checked the FAQ's and no mention of it, though. I would prefer
>to do a minor fix, and get my system operational again, as opposed to
>go to NetBSD-current right now (I could already hear that response coming).
>Once I get my house in order, I will try to make that move.

There are a few solutions:

1  upgrade to current
2  have swap on both disks
3  have a dd in /etc/rc that copies 1 block to /dev/null

Solution 1 will fix just about all of your wd.c problems.  You will also
get some other nifty features :-)

2 & 3 basically after the same thing: making sure that both disks have been
opened before fsck starts up.  I had the problem you describe with my 2 
maxtor's at work.  I did 2 for while, then I did 3 later when I needed the swap
space from the other disk for another filesystem.  There are patches to wd.c,
but I dom't know if any of them have Charles latest and greatest fixes...

>Also, I find that the XS3 server written by Amancio Hasty for NetBSD-0.8
>doesn't work anymore.  I suppose I will go to XFree-2.1.  I was going
>to do that anyway though.  That was one of the main reasons I decided 
>to do the upgrade even though I had a very nice and stable system
>under 0.8.

2.1?  Doable if you are going to compile yourself, but even the static 
compiled versions were found to only have some of the binaries compiled
statically while other were still trying to talk to ld.so (has this been
fixed/changed?).  Unless you are really trying to tap the power from a ATI GUP
or soemthing else, you might want to stay with 2.0...
Creek, not creek; Pop not soda; Car needs washed...