*BSD News Article 29640

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.misc:2356 comp.os.linux.misc:13195
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From: jkh@whisker.hubbard.ie (Jordan K. Hubbard)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Impressions: FreeBSD vs Linux
Date: 16 Apr 1994 20:12:51 GMT
Organization: Jordan Hubbard
Lines: 23
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <JKH.94Apr16211151@whisker.hubbard.ie>
References: <CMzw69.92K@tower.nullnet.fi> <2nm6tb$m6u@klaava.Helsinki.FI>
	<2nmeb4$ro@menudo.uh.edu> <klee.765909343@imagen>
NNTP-Posting-Host: whisker.hubbard.ie
In-reply-to: cosc19v2@menudo.uh.edu's message of 14 Apr 1994 09:44:22 -0500

In article <2ojks6$qtg@menudo.uh.edu> cosc19v2@menudo.uh.edu (cosc19v2) writes:
   Also, the BSD Faq is notorious in that most of the contents are excessively
   useless, and when it is really needed, either it doesn't exist or very

You could always send the author some useful comments..  Naw, you're
right - it's a lot easier just to bitch about it! :-)

In any case, this is just a short note to say that Gary Clark and
friends have recently rolled up their sleves and done a FreeBSD FAQ
from scratch, which WILL be kept up-to-date and, hopefully, populated
with useful and timely information.  It'll be released with FreeBSD
1.1 and is available right now in:



Jordan K. Hubbard	FreeBSD core team	Raving lunatic