*BSD News Article 29372

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From: finns@cc.uit.no (Finn Stensvik)
Subject: yacc lex and *BSD how to get it working
Message-ID: <1994Apr14.144305.16368@news.uit.no>
Sender: finns@cc.uit.no      (Finn Stensvik)
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 1994 14:43:05 GMT
Organization: University of Tromsoe, Norway
Lines: 29

Hi all

I have a problem (again..) compiling tvtwm on NetBSD 0.9.

lex get a parse-error when chewing on a file produced by yacc.

The errormsg is:
lex.l:90: parse error before '1'

I have another machine running FreeBSD and tried to compile xrn a couple
of months ago, and ran into the same problem.

lex had problems parsing a file produced by yacc.

If I'm not to mistaken, others have had this problem too.

Is there someone out there with a longer memory than mine, who remember
what the solution was?

Finn Stensvik (finns@cc.uit.no)
Official: Postmaster (postmaster@uit.no)
Computer Centre, University of Tromsoe, Norway
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