*BSD News Article 28681

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From: j@uriah.sax.de (J Wunsch)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.development
Subject: Re: Adaptec 1510 SCSI chip
Date: 25 Mar 1994 13:00:41 +0100
Organization: Private U**X site; member IN e.V.
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <2mujp9INNmco@bonnie.sax.de>
References: <1994Mar1.132637.58107@ans.net> <2l1gt9INNc23@CS.UTK.EDU> 	<2l4i1j$iiv@pilhuhn.pilhuhn.sub.org> 	<1994Mar10.082557.362@softwords.bc.ca> <MAGNER.94Mar10144801@plab02.world> <longyearCMMF0A.99o@netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bonnie.sax.de

longyear@netcom.com (Alfred Longyear) writes:

>(The 1510 controller is a non-disk-boot version of the 1520 which is a non-
>diskette version of the 1522.)

...and both are dumb thingies, not worth putting very much work into
drivers for them. They don't do bus mastering DMA, instead use
programmed IO (PIO), like each dumb IDE drive. The only reason for
using those ancient boards were to connect existing SCSI hardware
while waiting for more $$ to stand a real SCSI adaptor later.

(Don't tell me that they do their work. I beleive it, but wouldn't
think any second about exchaning them for my AHA-1540A. :-)
cheers, J"org                             work:    joerg_wunsch@tcd-dresden.de
                                          private:   joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de
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        Never test for an error condition you don't know how to handle.