*BSD News Article 28564

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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs
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From: ted@oz.plymouth.edu (The Wizard of Oz)
Subject: Bug FreeBSD-1.1 curses?
Message-ID: <1994Mar22.043832.280@oz.plymouth.edu>
Reply-To: ted@oz.plymouth.edu (The Wizard of Oz)
Organization: Plymouth State College - Plymouth, N.H.
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 94 04:38:32 GMT
Lines: 24

	I have a program (pscmenu) that I compiled with FreeBSD 1.0
and FreeBSD-1.1-BETA;  Both function fine except one small problem,  I use
curses calls to 'hi-lite' column (80) or (79) depending on how you look
at it, anyway, it works fine inversion 1.0 but will not work in version
1.1-beta.  Has something changed in the curses library?

	I am doing something like:

	waddch(stdscr,' ');

I do wrefresh(stdscr); between the appropriate calls.  Any Ideas?

|   Ted Wisniewski    			INET:  ted@oz.plymouth.edu       |
|   Academic Computing                               or                  |
|   Plymouth State College                     tedw@psc.plymouth.edu     |
|   Plymouth NH, 03264                                                   |