*BSD News Article 28033

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From: hasty@netcom.com (Amancio Hasty Jr)
Subject: Re: Coexisting on the PC
Message-ID: <hastyCM9qLo.JIE@netcom.com>
Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest)
References: <CLz6un.A9G@rex.uokhsc.edu> <CLzu0M.J9s@cogsci.ed.ac.uk> <2l1oic$m5d@Germany.EU.net>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 00:27:23 GMT
Lines: 31

In article <2l1oic$m5d@Germany.EU.net> bs@Germany.EU.net (Bernard Steiner) writes:
>In article <CLzu0M.J9s@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>, richard@cogsci.ed.ac.uk (Richard Tobin) writes:
>|> In article <CLz6un.A9G@rex.uokhsc.edu> benjamin-goldsteen@uokhsc.edu writes:
>|> >    I have a proposition: I think the devices for 386BSD should renamed
>|> >to better conform to the PC.
>|> I disagree.  To many of us, consistency with MSDOS is worthless.  It's
>|> consistency with the rest of BSD that matters.
>I second the latter. There's *no* DOS on my machine *at all*.
>By the way. If you find that you want your disks be called something else,
>why don't you simply rename the appropriate device, or link it to another
>name. I'm pretty sure the system wouldn't mind you mounting /bin/sync if it's
>a block special... :)

Not to co-exist with DOS is a nice way to shoot 386bsd and pave
the way for linux to displace *bsd into obsolence.


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