*BSD News Article 27977

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From: jay@caeser.geog.pdx.edu (Jay D. Allen)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Boot manager for FreeBSD docs?
Date: 2 Mar 1994 16:27:25 GMT
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Message-ID: <2l2epd$924@psu_075.chem.pdx.edu>
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OK, so I have version 1.0 of FreeBSD, and I compiled a new kernel.. how
do I tell the boot manager "Boot: blah blah" that I want to boot an
alternate kernel?  How do I install a new kernel?

Thanks in advance.
* Jay D. Allen  - METNET at Portland State University                 *
* Department of Geography AND The Center For Science Education        *
* jay@caeser.geog.pdx.edu                                             *