*BSD News Article 27839

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Xref: sserve comp.protocols.tcp-ip:27735 comp.unix.bsd:13499 comp.unix.ultrix:21596
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From: vjs@calcite.rhyolite.com (Vernon Schryver)
Subject: Re: How do multi-homed hosts choose the interface?
Message-ID: <CLrBHq.2t9@calcite.rhyolite.com>
Organization: Rhyolite Software
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 1994 01:44:14 GMT
References: <2khb6f$9fl@breeze.dra.hmg.gb> <2kj4h8$phl@mserv1.dl.ac.uk>
Lines: 44

In article <2kj4h8$phl@mserv1.dl.ac.uk> rbr@dl.ac.uk (R.Bradshaw) writes:
>Anthony Heading (heading@signal.dra.hmg.gb) wrote:
> ...
>You need to set up explicit routes. If you are using static routes,
>then try:
>on Alpha:	route add Iue Iuf 1
>on Ultrix:	route add Iae Iaf 1
>If you are running dynamic routing, you'll need to do the equivalent
>in gated/routed/whatever. Your netstat tables should then show these
>as host routes.

Static routes are ok if you are already using static routes.

If static routes are not being use, then a good solution is to adjust the
"interface metric" on the Ethernet interfaces.  This will cause traffic
to automatic prefer the FDDI interface when it is alive and fall back to
the Ethernet otherwise.  To see how to use interface metrics, look at the
"ifconfig" man page, and whatever configuration file scheme the system
uses to do things like setting the netmask.  In a BSD style network system,
you would set the interface metric in the same places as the netmask.

There are good reasons for and against each of the common choices, static
routes, router-discovery by snooping on routing protocols, and official
router discovery.  The most common choice by a large margin is snooping
on RIP packets, because that's what happens by default on most UNIX boxes.
The most common choice among those who make a conscious choice is static
routes, sometimes for very good technical and administrative reasons and
sometimes for bad reasons related to the common psychological and
socialogical reasons that cause people to want to decide and control things
in the first place.

There is another scheme that works well for multi-homed servers in a mesh
of networks, where you want to prefer the shortest route regardless of
which interface on the server carries its cannonical name.  For example,
you might have an NFS server with 4 Ethernets and a couple of FDDI
interfaces, and all 6 of those networks are connected to a few dozen other
networks, and you want distant hosts to use the nearest interface on the
server and not only the cannoically named interface.  Arrange to have the
server advertise a point-to-point RIP route to its cannonical address from
all of its interfaces.  This can be done with gated, by modifying routed,
or with the routed standard on at least one UNIX vendor's systems.

Vernon Schryver    vjs@rhyolite.com