*BSD News Article 27706

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From: frank@martha.utcc.utk.edu (frank segner)
Subject: Re: How to backup to floppy. Yes, floppy : -)
Message-ID: <1994Feb23.050910.22460@martha.utcc.utk.edu>
Sender: usenet@martha.utcc.utk.edu (USENET News System)
Organization: ifan (inst. for appl. nonsense)
X-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL3
References: <2k5c10$2m1@debbie.cc.nctu.edu.tw>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 1994 05:09:10 GMT
Lines: 67

u8123555@cc.nctu.edu.tw (I-Fei Tsai) writes:
: Hi:
: 	Is there anybody can tell me how to backup (or dump ... etc)
: 	my 386BSD (/dev/wd0a) onto floppies (/dev/fd0a) .
:                                         ^^^
: 	Thank you in advance.


once upon a time...

long time a go.... i used somthing like:

(my archie spit that out ;-} )


>archie -s -t diskback-0.1.t

Host sune.stacken.kth.se

    Location: /disk2/OS/386BSD/agate/386bsd-0.1/unofficial/from-ref/public/diskback
           FILE -r--r--r--      30598  Apr 12 1993  diskback-0.1.tar.Z

Host isfs.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp

    Location: /BSD/386bsd-0.1/unofficial/from-ref/public/diskback
           FILE -rw-rw-r--      30598  Mar  5 1993  diskback-0.1.tar.Z

Host cs.ubc.ca

    Location: /mirror3/386BSD/386bsd-0.1/unofficial/from-ref/public/diskback
           FILE -rw-r--r--      30598  Mar  4 1993  diskback-0.1.tar.Z

Host ascwide.ascii.co.jp

    Location: /pub2/386BSD/386bsd-0.1/unofficial/from-ref/public/diskback
           FILE -r--r--r--      30598  Mar  4 1993  diskback-0.1.tar.Z

Host ftp.cfi.waseda.ac.jp

    Location: /pub3/386BSD/386bsd-0.1/unofficial/from-ref/public/diskback
           FILE -r--r--r--      30598  Mar  4 1993  diskback-0.1.tar.Z

Host ftp.denet.dk

    Location: /mirror2/OS/386BSD/386bsd-0.1/unofficial/from-ref/public/diskback
           FILE -r--r--r--      16328  Mar  4 1993  diskback-0.1.tar.gz

Host gatekeeper.dec.com

    Location: /.0/BSD/386bsd/386bsd-0.1/unofficial/from-ref/public/diskback
           FILE -r--r--r--      30598  Mar  4 1993  diskback-0.1.tar.Z

Host net-1.iastate.edu

    Location: /pub/386bsd/386bsd-0.1/unofficial/from-ref/public/diskback
           FILE -r--r--r--      30598  Mar  4 1993  diskback-0.1.tar.Z


no more comment...

frank@martha.utk.edu    | actually, my opinions are not really my opinions
frank@ifan.knox.tn.us   | nor the opinions of my boss (who happens to be me ;-)