*BSD News Article 27400

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From: jbell@max.cybernet.com (J. Shan Bell)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: [FreeBSD] read/write error to non-blocking ptys
Date: 14 Feb 1994 17:12:30 GMT
Organization: Msen, Inc. -- Ann Arbor, Michigan
Lines: 16
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <2jobdu$la@nigel.msen.com>
Keywords: pty, FreeBSD

	Can anyone confirm this problem and/or suggest a work
around?  While either reading from or writing to file descriptors
that belong to non-blocking ptys I get "Resource temporarily
unavailable" (errno == EAGAIN).  The problem does not occur is
I'm using a tty or if the operation is not non-blocking.
	If this is a problem with the tty driver, then I would
be willing to debug it with some direction.  I really need this


J. Shan Bell                         Cybernet Systems Corporation
shan@cybernet.com                        Research and Development
(313) 668-2567                                      Ann Arbor, MI