*BSD News Article 27389

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From: barrett@lucy.ee.und.ac.za (Alan Barrett)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Can OS-BS handle *MULTIPLE* hard disks?
Date: 17 Feb 1994 13:34:21 +0200
Organization: Elec. Eng., Univ. Natal, Durban, S. Africa
Lines: 8
Message-ID: <2jvknt$7tf@lucy.ee.und.ac.za>
References: <BRIAN.94Feb11203909@sun1.claremont.com> <2jn79m$c1e@lucy.ee.und.ac.za> <2jo93n$177@inews.intel.com> <UWP.94Feb15143817@vize.cs.tu-berlin.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: lucy.ee.und.ac.za

In article <UWP.94Feb15143817@vize.cs.tu-berlin.de>,
uwp@cs.tu-berlin.de (Udo Wolter) writes:
> Or you can use Yapboot. But I don't know how many sectors at the
> beginning of the disk this code uses.

Yapboot fits entirely within the primary boot sector.

--apb (Alan Barrett)