*BSD News Article 27238

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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
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From: brian@sun1.claremont.com (Brian Childs)
Subject: Can OS-BS handle *MULTIPLE* hard disks?
Message-ID: <BRIAN.94Feb11203909@sun1.claremont.com>
Sender: news@nntpxfer.psi.com
Organization: Claremont Systems Inc.
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 1994 01:39:09 GMT
Lines: 21

Here's what I want to do:

I currently have 1 SCSI disk with FreeBSD on it.

I would like to add a second hard disk, and install DOS on it, but will OS-BS
allow you to boot from a partition which is on another drive?

If not, is there a utility which will?

Thanks in advance,
Brian Childs			Claremont Systems Inc.

Brian Childs			Claremont Systems Inc.