*BSD News Article 27146

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From: root@dva.in-berlin.de (Boris Staeblow)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: Virtual consoles under FreeBSD
Date: 8 Feb 1994 00:10:03 +0100
Organization: Public access UN*X system, 13347 Berlin (65) -- Germany.
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <2j6hot$2fm@dva.in-berlin.de>
References: <CKu7xG.Fq@rasorl.uucp>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dva.in-berlin.de

In <CKu7xG.Fq@rasorl.uucp> ras@rasorl.uucp (Bob Schlussler) writes:

>Does FreeBSD (cdrom distribution) support virtual consoles?
>How do you switch between them? Did I miss this in one of the
>README files.

1. add 'options    "NCONS=4' (4 (2..12)  virtual consoles ) to your 

2. enable the syscons-driver ('device   sc0  at ....')
3. Switching: Control-Alt F1 .. F??
