*BSD News Article 27012

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From: malenovi@MCS.COM (Nik)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd,comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit,comp.unix.programmer
Subject: [FreeBSD] how to open ( file, O_SYNC | O_WRONLY )
Date: 6 Feb 1994 18:16:12 -0600
Organization: MCSNet Subscriber Account, Chicago's First Public-Access Internet!
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <2j418c$2co@Mercury.mcs.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: mercury.mcs.com

It seems that FreeBSD (1.0e) doesn't have O_SYNC (SunOS does :), so I am
basicly stuck trying to open a file as a named pipe. I checked the man pages
but was really taken nowhere. the closest I got is specifying O_NDELAY. I
see that mkfifo(1) exists but is under development. I guess I can check the
mkfifo sources (as I will ;-) and see how they did it but hoped someone has
the solution allready (it's allways better to waste someone else's time
right?). thanX

Nikola Malenovic, malenovi@mcs.com