*BSD News Article 26652

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Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!bunyip.cc.uq.oz.au!s1.elec.uq.oz.au!clary
From: clary@s1.elec.uq.oz.au (Clary Harridge)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: default boot off hd(1,a)386bsd?
Date: 28 Jan 94 10:46:10 GMT
Organization: Prentice Centre, University of Queensland
Lines: 92
Message-ID: <clary.759753970@s1.elec.uq.oz.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: s1.elec.uq.oz.au
Keywords: bteasy
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #2 (NOV)

I have a problem using bteasy14 with 386bsd sdboot/bootsd $Revision 1.8

My configuration is
	Drive 0	DOS on ESDI drive
	Drive 1 UNIX on SCSI drive, No DOS partition.

After a FreeBSD install if I do
	bootinst boot.bin
and install bteasy on both drives I can select either the DOS drive
or the unix drive OK.

However I need to type "hd(1,a)386bsd" each time I bring up unix.
So I want to modify the Unix bootstrap to make this the default
rather than "wd(0,a)386bsd".

So I do a 
	cd /sys/i386/boot
	make install
to install the sdboot and bootsd in /usr/mdec. 
(NOTE no sources files changed here yet)
	cd /usr/mdec
	disklabel -w -r sd0a Seagate_ST3390N sdboot bootsd

I now reinstall bteasy on drive 1 and can no longer boot drive 1.

I get the following output from bteasy each time I hit F4

Default: F4
F4 ... 386bsd
f5 ... disk1
Default: F4
F4 ... 386bsd
f5 ... disk1
i.e. I can no longer boot off drive sd0.

If I rebuild sdboot/bootsd with some DEBUG output in start.S and boot2.S
and I disklabel drive 1 again and DONT install bteasy on drive 1
I can see output that indicates that

	start.S is run
	boot2.S is run as far as the DEBUG statement below

	#ifdef	DEBUG
		mov	$five, %esi
		call	message
		/* change to protected mode */
		call	EXT(real_to_prot)
	#ifdef	DEBUG
		/* No DEBUG in protected mode ?? */
		/* clear the bss */
		movl	$ EXT(edata), %edi	/* no EXT(_edata) - krufty ld */
		movl	$ EXT(end), %ecx	/* or EXT(_end) */
		subl	%edi, %ecx
		subb	%al, %al
		movzbl	%dl, %edx	/* discard head (%dh) and random high bits */
		pushl	%edx
		call	EXT(boot)

It seems the
	 call 	EXT(boot)
fails or is not reached

My queries are

1)	should I install bteasy on both drives? I had to do this
	after the original FreeBSD "install".

2)	Is there something else required after the disklabel?

3)	Is there an easier way to achive a default boot off hd(1,a)386bsd?

Please email if you can help.
regards			Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
Clary Harridge		University of Queensland, QLD, Australia, 4072
			Phone: +61-7-365-3636	Fax:   +61-7-365-4999
			INTERNET: clary@s1.elec.uq.oz.au