*BSD News Article 25899

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From: douzzer@PIRANHA.LCS.MIT.EDU (Daniel G. Pouzzner)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: 4.4BSD
Date: 12 Jan 1994 04:09:16 GMT
Organization: gaia
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <2gvt5c$dr0@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU>
NNTP-Posting-Host: piranha.lcs.mit.edu


you're all set!


contains the complete source code, including free NFS.
it is globally readable fee-free shareware.

i think, and someone correct me if i'm wrong, but
4.3network2 is almost identical to 4.4bsd. maybe we can consider it a
de facto 4.4bsd-lite?

Armin Gruner: thanks for all the info!
very depressing. i hope that situation gets cleaned up soon.

and to all the others who've sent me other pieces of information,
if i didn't thank you when you sent it i'm thanking you now. :-)
-daniel                   douzzer@athena.mit.edu
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