*BSD News Article 25480

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From: bdc@blackjack.ai.mit.du (Brian D. Carlstrom)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: MSDOS Utility for reading UFS?
Date: 31 Dec 1993 23:53:01 GMT
Organization: Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <BDC.93Dec31185302@blackjack.ai.mit.du>
References: <BDC.93Dec25072257@blackjack.ai.mit.edu>
	<BDC.93Dec26211609@blackjack.ai.mit.edu> <vp.757209688@news.forth.gr>
NNTP-Posting-Host: blackjack.ai.mit.edu
In-reply-to: vp@nemesis.csi.forth.gr's message of 30 Dec 1993 02:07:49 +0200

In article <vp.757209688@news.forth.gr> vp@nemesis.csi.forth.gr (Vassilis Prevelakis) writes:

   >   In article <BDC.93Dec25072257@blackjack.ai.mit.edu> bdc@blackjack.ai.mit.edu (Brian D. Carlstrom) writes:
   >   > I was wondering if anyone was ever writen a DOS utility to access Unix
   >   > filesystems perphaps in a Norton Utilities style, to help repair ufs
   >   > volumes from DOS when it all goes bad... currently i'm using NU to hand
   >   Why not just have a unix boot disk with fsck on it?
   >beacuse sometimes fuzz-check f-sucks...
   If it sucks then fix the bloody thing instead of developing something
   entirely new that will almost certaintly have its own set of bugs and
   other probs. Come on be realistic, there are times when you ought to
   start afresh and times when you should refrain from reinventing the

i see a need for different tools for automated disk repair vs. manual
disk editing. agreed, they can share a lot of code, but there is no way
to make fsck hanlde all i cases i can without making it an expert system
or similar, which i dont really have the time to do right now =)
