*BSD News Article 24991

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From: vasiliev_i@cs540a.ihep.su
Subject: TVGA chip
Message-ID: <1993Dec14.175616.20181@ixwin.ihep.su>
Sender: news@ixwin.ihep.su (USENET News System)
Nntp-Posting-Host: cs540a.ihep.su
Reply-To: vasiliev_i@cs540a.ihep.su
Organization: Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 17:56:16 GMT
Lines: 11

Hi everybody !
I nowhere not find the information about chip TRIDENT TVGA (9000).
Me need description of I/O Ports for extension VGA (TVGA), and
how can to manage of Video RAM to limits 1Mb.
If anybody know it information, send me please or tell address FTP
where it information lay.

E-mail: vasiliev_i@m10.ihep.su

Thank You All Very Much Beforehand - Igor Vasiliev