*BSD News Article 23030

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.bugs:1671 alt.sources:6578
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From: oz@ursa.sis.yorku.ca (Ozan S. Yigit)
Subject: a much improved version of pd/bsd m4.
Message-ID: <OZ.93Oct29000532@ursa.sis.yorku.ca>
Sender: news@newshub.ccs.yorku.ca (USENET News System)
Organization: York U. Student Information Systems Project
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1993 05:05:32 GMT
Lines: 3295

here is a much improved, 8-bit-clean version of the pd m4 which should
work with all versions of sendmail cfs. this is the base version for a
new release that is in preperation.

I would like to thank Richard A. O'Keefe for all his support.

any comments, bug reports [+/-fixes] and other improvements would be

... oz
this upper bound on 24 hours in one | electric: oz@sis.yorku.ca
day gets to me....    -- Udi Manber | or [416] 736 2100 x 33976
# to unbundle, sh this file
echo expr.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >expr.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD expr.c'
-/*  File   : expr.c
-    Authors: Mike Lutz & Bob Harper
-    Editors: Ozan Yigit & Richard A. O'Keefe
-    Updated: %G%
-    Purpose: arithmetic expression evaluator.
-    expr() performs a standard recursive descent parse to evaluate any
-    expression permitted byf the following grammar:
-      expr    :       query EOS
-      query   :       lor
-              |       lor "?" query ":" query
-      lor     :       land { "||" land }	or OR,  for Pascal
-      land    :       bor { "&&" bor }		or AND, for Pascal
-      bor     :       bxor { "|" bxor }
-      bxor    :       band { "^" band }
-      band    :       eql { "&" eql }
-      eql     :       relat { eqrel relat }
-      relat   :       shift { rel shift }
-      shift   :       primary { shop primary }
-      primary :       term { addop term }
-      term    :       unary { mulop unary }
-      unary   :       factor
-              |       unop unary
-      factor  :       constant
-              |       "(" query ")"
-      constant:       num
-              |       "'" CHAR "'"		or '"' CHAR '"'
-      num     :       DIGIT			full ANSI C syntax
-              |       DIGIT num
-      shop    :       "<<"
-              |       ">>"
-      eqlrel  :       "="
-              |       "=="
-              |       "!="
-      rel     :       "<"			or <>, Pascal not-equal
-              |       ">"
-              |       "<="			or =<, for Prolog users.
-              |       ">="
-    This expression evaluator was lifted from a public-domain
-    C Pre-Processor included with the DECUS C Compiler distribution.
-    It has been hacked somewhat to be suitable for m4.
-    26-Mar-1993		Changed to work in any of EBCDIC, ASCII, DEC MNCS,
-			or ISO 8859/n.
-    26-Mar-1993		Changed to use "long int" rather than int, so that
-			we get the same 32-bit arithmetic on a PC as on a Sun.
-			It isn't fully portable, of course, but then on a 64-
-			bit machine we _want_ 64-bit arithmetic...
-			Shifting rewritten (using LONG_BIT) to give signed
-			shifts even when (long) >> (long) is unsigned.
-    26-Mar-1993		I finally got sick of the fact that &&, ||, and ?:
-			don't do conditional evaluation.  What is the good
-			of having eval(0&&(1/0)) crash and dump core?  Now
-			every function has a doit? argument.
-    26-Mar-1993		charcon() didn't actually accept 'abcd', which it
-			should have.  Fixed it.
-    20-Apr-1993		eval(1/0) and eval(1%0) dumped core and crashed.
-			This is also true of the System V r 3.2 m4, but
-			it isn't good enough for ours!  Changed it so that
-			x % 0 => x	as per Concrete Mathematics
-			x / 0 => error and return 0 from expr().
-#define FALSE   0
-#define	TRUE	1
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-static jmp_buf expjump;		/* Error exit point for expr() */
-static unsigned char *nxtchr;	/* Parser scan pointer */
-#define	deblank0	while ((unsigned)(*nxtchr-1) < ' ') nxtchr++
-#define deblank1	while ((unsigned)(*++nxtchr - 1) < ' ')
-#define deblank2	nxtchr++; deblank1
-#include "ourlims.h"
-static char digval[1+UCHAR_MAX];
-/*  This file should work in any C implementation that doesn't have too
-    many characters to fit in one table.  We use a table to convert
-    (unsigned) characters to numeric codes:
-	 0 to  9	for '0' to '9'
-	10 to 35	for 'a' to 'z'
-	10 to 35	for 'A' to 'Z'
-	36		for '_'
-    Instead of asking whether tolower(c) == 'a' we ask whether
-    digval[c] == DIGIT_A, and so on.  This essentially duplicates the
-    chtype[] table in main.c; we should use just one table.
-#define	DIGIT_A 10
-#define	DIGIT_B 11
-#define	DIGIT_C 12
-#define	DIGIT_D 13
-#define	DIGIT_E 14
-#define	DIGIT_F 15
-#define	DIGIT_G 16
-#define DIGIT_H 17
-#define	DIGIT_I	18
-#define	DIGIT_J 19
-#define DIGIT_K 20
-#define	DIGIT_L	21
-#define DIGIT_M 22
-#define DIGIT_N 23
-#define	DIGIT_O 24
-#define	DIGIT_P 25
-#define	DIGIT_Q 26
-#define	DIGIT_R	27
-#define	DIGIT_S 28
-#define	DIGIT_T 29
-#define	DIGIT_U 30
-#define	DIGIT_V 31
-#define	DIGIT_W 32
-#define	DIGIT_X 33
-#define	DIGIT_Y 34
-#define	DIGIT_Z 35
-#ifdef	__STDC__
-static long int query(int);
-static long int query();
-/*  experr(msg)
-    prints an error message, resets environment to expr(), and
-    forces expr() to return FALSE.
-void experr(msg)
-    char *msg;
-    {
-	(void) fprintf(stderr, "m4: %s\n", msg);
-	longjmp(expjump, -1);	/* Force expr() to return FALSE */
-    }
-/*  <numcon> ::= '0x' <hex> | '0X' <hex> | '0' <oct> | <dec>
-    For ANSI C, an integer may be followed by u, l, ul, or lu,
-    in any mix of cases.  We accept and ignore those letters;
-    all the numbers are treated as long.
-static long int numcon(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int v;	/* current value */
-	register int b;		/* base (radix) */
-	register int c;		/* character or digit value */
-	if (!doit) {
-	    do nxtchr++; while (digval[*nxtchr] <= 36);
-	    deblank0;
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	v = digval[*nxtchr++];	/* We already know it's a digit */
-	if (v != 0) {
-	    b = 10;		/* decimal number */
-	} else
-	if (digval[*nxtchr] == DIGIT_X) {
-	    nxtchr++;
-	    b = 16;		/* hexadecimal number */
-	} else {
-	    b = 8;		/* octal number */
-	}
-	do {
-	    while (digval[c = *nxtchr++] < b) v = v*b + digval[c];
-	} while (c == '_');
-	while (digval[c] == DIGIT_L || digval[c] == DIGIT_U) c = *nxtchr++;
-	nxtchr--;		/* unread c */
-	if ((unsigned)(c-1) < ' ') { deblank1; }
-	return v;
-    }
-/*  <charcon> ::= <qt> { <char> } <qt>
-    Note: multibyte constants are accepted.
-    Note: BEL (\a) and ESC (\e) have the same values in EBCDIC and ASCII.
-static long int charcon(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register int i;
-	long int value;
-	register int c;
-	int q;
-	int v[sizeof value];
-	q = *nxtchr++;		/* the quote character */
-	for (i = 0; ; i++) {
-	    c = *nxtchr++;
-	    if (c == q) {	/* end of literal, or doubled quote */
-		if (*nxtchr != c) break;
-		nxtchr++;	/* doubled quote stands for one quote */
-	    }
-	    if (i == sizeof value) experr("Unterminated character constant");
-	    if (c == '\\') {
-		switch (c = *nxtchr++) {
-		    case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
-		    case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
-			c -= '0';
-			if ((unsigned)(*nxtchr - '0') < 8)
-			    c = (c << 3) | (*nxtchr++ - '0');
-			if ((unsigned)(*nxtchr - '0') < 8)
-			    c = (c << 3) | (*nxtchr++ - '0');
-			break;
-		    case 'n': case 'N': c = '\n'; break;
-		    case 'r': case 'R': c = '\r'; break;
-		    case 't': case 'T': c = '\t'; break;
-		    case 'b': case 'B': c = '\b'; break;
-		    case 'f': case 'F': c = '\f'; break;
-		    case 'a': case 'A': c = 007;  break;
-		    case 'e': case 'E': c = 033;  break;
-#if	' ' == 64
-		    case 'd': case 'D': c = 045;  break; /*EBCDIC DEL */
-		    case 'd': case 'D': c = 127;  break; /* ASCII DEL */
-		    default :			  break;
-		}
-	    }
-	    v[i] = c;
-	}
-	deblank0;
-	if (!doit) return 0;
-	for (value = 0; --i >= 0; ) value = (value << CHAR_BIT) | v[i];
-	return value;
-    }
-/*  <unary> ::= <unop> <unary> | <factor>
-    <unop> ::= '!' || '~' | '-'
-    <factor> ::= '(' <query> ')' | <'> <char> <'> | <"> <char> <"> | <num>
-static long int unary(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	long int v;
-	switch (nxtchr[0]) {
-	    case 'n': case 'N':
-			if (digval[nxtchr[1]] != DIGIT_O
-			||  digval[nxtchr[2]] != DIGIT_T)
-			    experr("Bad 'not'");
-			nxtchr += 2;
-	    case '!':	deblank1; return !unary(doit);
-	    case '~':	deblank1; return ~unary(doit);
-	    case '-':	deblank1; return -unary(doit);
-	    case '+':	deblank1; return  unary(doit);
-	    case '(':	deblank1; v = query(doit);
-			if (nxtchr[0] != ')') experr("Bad factor");
-			deblank1; return v;
-	    case '\'':
-	    case '\"':	return charcon(doit);
-	    case '0': case '1': case '2':
-	    case '3': case '4': case '5':
-	    case '6': case '7': case '8':
-	    case '9':	return numcon(doit);
-	    default :   experr("Bad constant");
-	}
-	return 0;	/*NOTREACHED*/
-    }
-/*  <term> ::= <unary> { <mulop> <unary> }
-    <mulop> ::= '*' | '/' || '%'
-static long int term(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int vl, vr;
-	vl = unary(doit);
-	for (;;)
-	    switch (nxtchr[0]) {
-		case '*':
-		    deblank1;
-		    vr = unary(doit);
-		    if (doit) vl *= vr;
-		    break;
-		case 'd': case 'D':
-		    if (digval[nxtchr[1]] != DIGIT_I
-		    ||  digval[nxtchr[2]] != DIGIT_V)
-			experr("Bad 'div'");
-		    nxtchr += 2;
-		    /*FALLTHROUGH*/
-		case '/':
-		    deblank1;
-		    vr = unary(doit);
-		    if (doit) {
-			if (vr == 0) experr("Division by 0");
-			vl /= vr;
-		    }
-		    break;
-		case 'm': case 'M':
-		    if (digval[nxtchr[1]] != DIGIT_O
-		    ||  digval[nxtchr[2]] != DIGIT_D)
-			experr("Bad 'mod'");
-		    nxtchr += 2;
-		    /*FALLTHROUGH*/
-		case '%':
-		    deblank1;
-		    vr = unary(doit);
-		    if (doit) {
-			if (vr != 0) vl %= vr;
-		    }
-		    break;
-		default:
-		    return vl;
-	    }
-    }
-/*  <primary> ::= <term> { <addop> <term> }
-    <addop> ::= '+' | '-'
-static long int primary(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int vl;
-	vl = term(doit);
-	for (;;)
-	    if (nxtchr[0] == '+') {
-		deblank1;
-		if (doit) vl += term(doit); else (void)term(doit);
-	    } else
-	    if (nxtchr[0] == '-') {
-		deblank1;
-		if (doit) vl -= term(doit); else (void)term(doit);
-	    } else
-		return vl;
-    }
-/*  <shift> ::= <primary> { <shop> <primary> }
-    <shop> ::= '<<' | '>>'
-static long int shift(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int vl, vr;
-	vl = primary(doit);
-	for (;;) {
-	    if (nxtchr[0] == '<' && nxtchr[1] == '<') {
-		deblank2;
-		vr = primary(doit);
-	    } else
-	    if (nxtchr[0] == '>' && nxtchr[1] == '>') {
-		deblank2;
-		vr = -primary(doit);
-	    } else {
-		return vl;
-	    }
-	    /* The following code implements shifts portably */
-	    /* Shifts are signed shifts, and the shift count */
-	    /* acts like repeated one-bit shifts, not modulo anything */
-	    if (doit) {
-		if (vr >= LONG_BIT) {
-		    vl = 0;
-		} else
-		if (vr <= -LONG_BIT) {
-		    vl = -(vl < 0);
-		} else
-		if (vr > 0) {
-		    vl <<= vr;
-		} else
-		if (vr < 0) {
-		    vl = (vl >> -vr) | (-(vl < 0) << (LONG_BIT + vr));
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-/*  <relat> ::= <shift> { <rel> <shift> }
-    <rel> ::= '<=' | '>=' | '=<' | '=>' | '<' | '>'
-    Here I rely on the fact that '<<' and '>>' are swallowed by <shift>
-static long int relat(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int vl;
-	vl = shift(doit);
-	for (;;)
-	    switch (nxtchr[0]) {
-		case '=':
-		    switch (nxtchr[1]) {
-			case '<':			/* =<, take as <= */
-			    deblank2;
-			    vl = vl <= shift(doit);
-			    break;
-			case '>':			/* =>, take as >= */
-			    deblank2;
-			    vl = vl >= shift(doit);
-			    break;
-			default:			/* == or =; OOPS */
-			    return vl;
-		    }
-		    break;
-		case '<':
-		    if (nxtchr[1] == '=') {		/* <= */
-			deblank2;
-			vl = vl <= shift(doit);
-		    } else
-		    if (nxtchr[1] == '>') {		/* <> (Pascal) */
-			deblank2;
-			vl = vl != shift(doit);
-		    } else {				/* < */
-			deblank1;
-			vl = vl < shift(doit);
-		    }
-		    break;
-		case '>':
-		    if (nxtchr[1] == '=') {		/* >= */
-			deblank2;
-			vl = vl >= shift(doit);
-		    } else {				/* > */
-			deblank1;
-			vl = vl > shift(doit);
-		    }
-		    break;
-		default:
-		    return vl;
-	}
-    }
-/*  <eql> ::= <relat> { <eqrel> <relat> }
-    <eqlrel> ::= '!=' | '==' | '='
-static long int eql(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int vl;
-	vl = relat(doit);
-	for (;;)
-	    if (nxtchr[0] == '!' && nxtchr[1] == '=') {
-		deblank2;
-		vl = vl != relat(doit);
-	    } else
-	    if (nxtchr[0] == '=' && nxtchr[1] == '=') {
-		deblank2;
-		vl = vl == relat(doit);
-	    } else
-	    if (nxtchr[0] == '=') {
-		deblank1;
-		vl = vl == relat(doit);
-	    } else
-		return vl;
-    }
-/*  <band> ::= <eql> { '&' <eql> }
-static long int band(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int vl;
-	vl = eql(doit);
-	while (nxtchr[0] == '&' && nxtchr[1] != '&') {
-	    deblank1;
-	    if (doit) vl &= eql(doit); else (void)eql(doit);
-	}
-	return vl;
-    }
-/*  <bxor> ::= <band> { '^' <band> }
-static long int bxor(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int vl;
-	vl = band(doit);
-	while (nxtchr[0] == '^') {
-	    deblank1;
-	    if (doit) vl ^= band(doit); else (void)band(doit);
-	}
-	return vl;
-    }
-/*  <bor> ::= <bxor> { '|' <bxor> }
-static long int bor(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int vl;
-	vl = bxor(doit);
-	while (nxtchr[0] == '|' && nxtchr[1] != '|') {
-	    deblank1;
-	    if (doit) vl |= bxor(doit); else (void)bxor(doit);
-	}
-	return vl;
-    }
-/*  <land> ::= <bor> { '&&' <bor> }
-static long int land(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int vl;
-	vl = bor(doit);
-	for (;;) {
-	    if (nxtchr[0] == '&') {
-		if (nxtchr[1] != '&') break;
-		deblank2;
-	    } else
-	    if (digval[nxtchr[0]] == DIGIT_A) {
-		if (digval[nxtchr[1]] != DIGIT_N) break;
-		if (digval[nxtchr[2]] != DIGIT_D) break;
-		nxtchr += 2; deblank1;
-	    } else {
-		/* neither && nor and */
-		break;
-	    }
-	    vl = bor(doit && vl) != 0;
-	}
-	return vl;
-    }
-/*  <lor> ::= <land> { '||' <land> }
-static long int lor(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int vl;
-	vl = land(doit);
-	for (;;) {
-	    if (nxtchr[0] == '|') {
-		if (nxtchr[1] != '|') break;
-	    } else
-	    if (digval[nxtchr[0]] == DIGIT_O) {
-		if (digval[nxtchr[1]] != DIGIT_R) break;
-	    } else {
-		/* neither || nor or */
-		break;
-	    }
-	    deblank2;
-	    vl = land(doit && !vl) != 0;
-	}
-	return vl;
-    }
-/*  <query> ::= <lor> [ '?' <query> ':' <query> ]
-static long int query(doit)
-    int doit;
-    {
-	register long int bool, true_val, false_val;
-	bool = lor(doit);
-	if (*nxtchr != '?') return bool;
-	deblank1;
-	true_val = query(doit && bool);
-	if (*nxtchr != ':') experr("Bad query");
-	deblank1;
-	false_val = query(doit && !bool);
-	return bool ? true_val : false_val;
-    }
-static void initialise_digval()
-    {
-	register unsigned char *s;
-	register int c;
-	for (c = 0; c <= UCHAR_MAX; c++) digval[c] = 99;
-	for (c =  0, s = (unsigned char *)"0123456789";
-	/*while*/ *s;
-	/*doing*/ digval[*s++] = c++) /* skip */;
-	for (c = 10, s = (unsigned char *)"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
-	/*while*/ *s;
-	/*doing*/ digval[*s++] = c++) /* skip */;
-	for (c = 10, s = (unsigned char *)"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
-	/*while*/ *s;
-	/*doing*/ digval[*s++] = c++) /* skip */;
-	digval['_'] = 36;
-    }
-long int expr(expbuf)
-    char *expbuf;
-    {
-	register int rval;
-	if (digval['1'] == 0) initialise_digval();
-	nxtchr = (unsigned char *)expbuf;
-	deblank0;
-	if (setjmp(expjump) != 0) return FALSE;
-	rval = query(TRUE);
-	if (*nxtchr) experr("Ill-formed expression");
-	return rval;
-    }
//GO.SYSIN DD expr.c
echo int2str.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >int2str.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD int2str.c'
-/*  File   : int2str.c
-    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe
-    Updated: 6 February 1993
-    Defines: int2str()
-    int2str(dst, radix, val)
-    converts the (long) integer "val" to character form and moves it to
-    the destination string "dst" followed by a terminating NUL.  The
-    result is normally a pointer to this NUL character, but if the radix
-    is dud the result will be NullS and nothing will be changed.
-    If radix is -2..-36, val is taken to be SIGNED.
-    If radix is  2.. 36, val is taken to be UNSIGNED.
-    That is, val is signed if and only if radix is.  You will normally
-    use radix -10 only through itoa and ltoa, for radix 2, 8, or 16
-    unsigned is what you generally want.
-static char dig_vec[] =
-char *int2str(dst, radix, val)
-    register char *dst;
-    register int radix;
-    register long val;
-    {
-	char buffer[65];	/* Ready for 64-bit machines */
-	register char *p;
-	if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {	/* Not 2..36 */
-	    if (radix > -2 || radix < -36) return (char *)0;
-	    if (val < 0) {
-		*dst++ = '-';
-		val = -val;
-	    }
-	    radix = -radix;
-	}
-	/*  The slightly contorted code which follows is due to the
-	    fact that few machines directly support unsigned long / and %.
-	    Certainly the VAX C compiler generates a subroutine call.  In
-	    the interests of efficiency (hollow laugh) I let this happen
-	    for the first digit only; after that "val" will be in range so
-	    that signed integer division will do.  Sorry 'bout that.
-	    should be unsigned, the second % and / signed, but C compilers
-	    tend to be extraordinarily sensitive to minor details of style.
-	    This works on a VAX, that's all I claim for it.
-	*/
-	p = &buffer[sizeof buffer];
-	*--p = '\0';
-	*--p = dig_vec[(unsigned long)val%(unsigned long)radix];
-	val = (unsigned long)val/(unsigned long)radix;
-	while (val != 0) *--p = dig_vec[val%radix], val /= radix;
-	while (*dst++ = *p++) ;
-	return dst-1;
-    }
//GO.SYSIN DD int2str.c
echo look.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >look.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD look.c'
-/*  File   : look.c
-    Author : Ozan Yigit
-    Updated: 4 May 1992
-    Purpose: Hash table for M4 
-#include "mdef.h"
-#include "extr.h"
-ndptr hashtab[HASHSIZE];
- * hash - get a hash value for string s
- */
-char *name;
-        register unsigned long h = 0;
-        while (*name)
-                h = (h << 5) + h + *name++;
-        return h % HASHSIZE;
- * lookup(name) - find name in the hash table
- */
-ndptr lookup(name)
-    char *name;
-    {
-	register ndptr p;
-	for (p = hashtab[hash(name)]; p != nil; p = p->nxtptr)
-	    if (strcmp(name, p->name) == 0)
-		break;
-	return p;
-    }
- * addent(name) - hash and create an entry in the hash table.
- * The new entry is added at the front of a hash bucket.
- * BEWARE: the type and defn fields are UNDEFINED.
- */
-ndptr addent(name)
-    char *name;
-    {
-	register ndptr p, *h;
-	p = (ndptr)malloc(sizeof *p);
-	if (p == NULL) error("m4: no more memory.");
-	h = &hashtab[hash(name)];
-	p->name = strsave(name);
-	p->defn = null;
-	p->nxtptr = *h;
-	*h = p;
-	return p;
-    }
- * addkywd(name, type) - stores a keyword in the hash table.
- */
-void addkywd(name, type)
-    char *name;
-    int type;
-    {
-	register ndptr p = addent(name);
-	p->type = type | STATIC;
-    }
- * remhash(name, all)
- * remove one entry (all==0) or all entries (all!=0) for a given name
- * from the hash table.  All hash table entries must have been obtained
- * from malloc(), so it is safe to free the records themselves.
- * However, the ->name and ->defn fields might point to storage which
- * was obtained from strsave() -- in which case they may be freed -- or
- * to static storage -- in which case they must not be freed.  If the
- * STATIC bit is set, the fields are not to be freed.
- */
-void remhash(name, all)
-    char *name;
-    int all;
-    {
-	register ndptr p, *h;
-	/*  h always points to the pointer to p  */
-	h = &hashtab[hash(name)];
-	while ((p = *h) != nil) {
-	    if (strcmp(p->name, name) == 0) {
-		*h = p->nxtptr;			/* delink this record */		
-		if (!(p->type & STATIC)) {	/* free the name and defn */
-		    free(p->name);		/* if they came from strsave */
-		    if (p->defn != null) free(p->defn);
-		}				/* otherwise leave them */
-		free(p);			/* free the record itself */
-		if (!all) return;		/* first occurrence has gone */
-	    } else {
-		h = &(p->nxtptr);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
//GO.SYSIN DD look.c
echo main.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >main.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD main.c'
-/*  File   : main.c
-    Author : Ozan Yigit
-    Updated: 4 May 1992
-    Defines: M4 macro processor.
-#include "mdef.h"
-#include "extr.h"
-#include "ourlims.h"
-char chtype[1 - EOF + UCHAR_MAX];
-#define	is_sym1(c) (chtype[(c)-EOF] > 10)
-#define is_sym2(c) (chtype[(c)-EOF] >  0)
-#define is_blnk(c) ((unsigned)((c)-1) < ' ')
- * m4 - macro processor
- *
- * PD m4 is based on the macro tool distributed with the software 
- * tools (VOS) package, and described in the "SOFTWARE TOOLS" and 
- * "SOFTWARE TOOLS IN PASCAL" books. It has been expanded to include 
- * most of the command set of SysV m4, the standard UN*X macro processor.
- *
- * Since both PD m4 and UN*X m4 are based on SOFTWARE TOOLS macro,
- * there may be certain implementation similarities between
- * the two. The PD m4 was produced without ANY references to m4
- * sources.
- *
- * References:
- *
- *	Software Tools distribution: macro
- *
- *	Kernighan, Brian W. and P. J. Plauger, SOFTWARE
- *	TOOLS IN PASCAL, Addison-Wesley, Mass. 1981
- *
- *	Kernighan, Brian W. and P. J. Plauger, SOFTWARE
- *	TOOLS, Addison-Wesley, Mass. 1976
- *
- *	Kernighan, Brian W. and Dennis M. Ritchie,
- *	THE M4 MACRO PROCESSOR, Unix Programmer's Manual,
- *	Seventh Edition, Vol. 2, Bell Telephone Labs, 1979
- *
- *	System V man page for M4
- *
- * Modification History:
- *
- * Mar 26 1992 RAOK	1.  Eliminated magic numbers 8, 255, 256 in favour
- *			of the standard limits CHAR_BIT, UCHAR_MAX, which 
- *			are in the new header ourlims.h.  This is part of
- *			the "8-bit-clean M4" project.  To the best of my
- *			belief, all of the code should work in EBCDIC,
- *			ASCII, DEC MNCS, ISO 8859/n, or the Mac character
- *			set, as long as chars are unsigned.  There are
- *			still some places where signed bytes can cause
- *			trouble.
- *			
- *			2.  Changed expr() to use long int rather than int.
- *			This is so that we'd get 32-bit arithmetic on a Sun,
- *			Encore, PC, Mac &c.  As part of this, the code for
- *			shifts has been elaborated to yield signed shifts
- *			on all machines.  The charcon() function didn't work
- *			with multi-character literals, although it was meant
- *			to.  Now it does.  pbrad() has been changed so that
- *			eval('abcd',0) => abcd, not dcba, which was useless.
- *			
- *			3.  I finally got sick of the fact that &&, ||, and
- *			?: always evaluate all their arguments.  This is
- *			consistent with UNIX System V Release 3, but I for
- *			one don't see anything to gain by having eval(0&&1/0)
- *			crash when it would simply yield 0 in C.  Now these
- *			operators are more consistent with the C preprocessor.
- *
- * Nov 13 1992 RAOK	Added the quoter facility.  The purpose of this is
- *			to make it easier to generate data for a variety of
- *			programming languages, including sh, awk, Lisp, C.
- *			There are two holes in the implementation:  dumpdef
- *			prints junk and undefine doesn't release everything.
- *			This was mainly intended as a prototype to show that
- *			it could be done.
- *
- * Jun 16 1992 RAOK	Added vquote and gave changequote a 3rd argument.
- *			The idea of this is to make it possible to quote
- *			ANY string, including one with unbalanced ` or '.
- *			I also made eval(c,0) convert decimal->ASCII, so
- *			that eval(39,0) yields ' and eval(96,0) yields `.
- *
- * Apr 28 1992 RAOK	Used gcc to find and fix ANSI clashes, so that
- *			PD M4 could be ported to MS-DOS (Turbo C 3).
- *			Main known remaining problem:  use of mktemp().
- *			Also, command line handling needs to be worked out.
- *
- * Mar 26 1992 RAOK	PD M4 now accepts file names on the command line
- *			just like UNIX M4.  Warning:  macro calls must NOT
- *			cross file boundaries.  UNIX M4 doesn't mind;
- *			(m4 a b c) and (cat a b c | m4) are just the same
- *			except for error messages.  PD M4 will report an
- *			unexpected EOF if a file ends while a macro call or
- *			string is still being parsed.  When there is one
- *			file name argument, or none, you can't tell the
- *			difference, and that's all I need.
- *
- * May 15 1991 RAOK	DIVNAM was a string constant, but was changed!
- *			Fixed that and a couple of other things to make
- *			GCC happy.  (Also made "foo$bar" get through.)
- *
- * Apr 17 1991 RAOK	There was a major mistake.  If you did
- *			define(foo, `1 include(bar) 2') where
- *			file bar held "-bar-" you would naturally
- *			expect "1 -bar- 2" as the output, but you
- *			got "1  2-bar-".  That is, include file
- *			processing was postponed until all macros
- *			had been expanded.  The macro gpbc() was
- *			at fault.  I added bb, bbstack[], and the
- *			code in main.c and serv.c that maintains
- *			them, in order to work around this bug.
- *
- * Apr 12 1991 RAOK	inspect() didn't handle overflow well.
- *			Added the automatically maintained macro
- *			__FILE__, just as in C.  To suppress it,
- *			define NO__FILE.  At some point, $# had
- *			been made to return a value that was off
- *			by one; it now agrees with SysV M4.
- *
- * Aug 13 1990 RAOK	The System V expr() has three arguments:
- *			expression [, radix:10 [, mindigits: 1]]
- *			Brought in my int2str() and wrote pbrad()
- *			to make this work here.  With the wrong #
- *			of args, acts like System V.
- *
- * Aug 11 1990 RAOK	Told expr.c about the Pascal operators
- *			not, div, mod, and, or
- *			so that Pascal constant expressions could
- *			be evaluated.  (It still doesn't handle
- *			floats.)  Fixed a mistake in 'character's.
- *
- * Apr 23 1988 RAOK	Sped it up, mainly by making putback() and
- *			chrsave() into macros.
- *			Finished the -o option (was half done).
- *			Added the System V -e (interactive) option.
- *
- * Jan 28 1986 Oz	Break the whole thing into little
- *			pieces, for easier (?) maintenance.
- *
- * Dec 12 1985 Oz	Optimize the code, try to squeeze
- *			few microseconds out.. [didn't try very hard]
- *
- * Dec 05 1985 Oz	Add getopt interface, define (-D),
- *			undefine (-U) options.
- *
- * Oct 21 1985 Oz	Clean up various bugs, add comment handling.
- *
- * June 7 1985 Oz	Add some of SysV m4 stuff (m4wrap, pushdef,
- *			popdef, decr, shift etc.).
- *
- * June 5 1985 Oz	Initial cut.
- *
- * Implementation Notes:
- *
- * [1]	PD m4 uses a different (and simpler) stack mechanism than the one 
- *	described in Software Tools and Software Tools in Pascal books. 
- *	The triple stack nonsense is replaced with a single stack containing 
- *	the call frames and the arguments. Each frame is back-linked to a 
- * 	previous stack frame, which enables us to rewind the stack after 
- * 	each nested call is completed. Each argument is a character pointer 
- *	to the beginning of the argument string within the string space.
- *	The only exceptions to this are (*) arg 0 and arg 1, which are
- * 	the macro definition and macro name strings, stored dynamically
- *	for the hash table.
- *
- *	    .					   .
- *	|   .	|  <-- sp			|  .  |
- *	+-------+				+-----+
- *	| arg 3 ------------------------------->| str |
- *	+-------+				|  .  |
- *	| arg 2 --------------+ 		   .
- *	+-------+	      |
- *	    *		      |			|     |
- *	+-------+	      | 		+-----+
- *	| plev	|  <-- fp     +---------------->| str |
- *	+-------+				|  .  |
- *	| type	|				   .
- *	+-------+
- *	| prcf	-----------+		plev: paren level
- *	+-------+  	   |		type: call type
- *	|   .	| 	   |		prcf: prev. call frame
- *	    .	   	   |
- *	+-------+	   |
- *	|	<----------+
- *	+-------+
- *
- * [2]	We have three types of null values:
- *
- *		nil  - nodeblock pointer type 0
- *		null - null string ("")
- *		NULL - Stdio-defined NULL
- *
- */
-char buf[BUFSIZE];		/* push-back buffer	       */
-char *bp = buf; 		/* first available character   */
-char *bb = buf;			/* buffer beginning            */
-char *endpbb = buf+BUFSIZE;	/* end of push-back buffer     */
-stae mstack[STACKMAX+1]; 	/* stack of m4 machine         */
-char strspace[STRSPMAX+1];	/* string space for evaluation */
-char *ep = strspace;		/* first free char in strspace */
-char *endest= strspace+STRSPMAX;/* end of string space	       */
-int sp; 			/* current m4  stack pointer   */
-int fp; 			/* m4 call frame pointer       */
-char *bbstack[MAXINP];		/* stack where bb is saved     */
-FILE *infile[MAXINP];		/* input file stack (0=stdin)  */
-FILE *outfile[MAXOUT];		/* diversion array(0=bitbucket)*/
-FILE *active;			/* active output file pointer  */
-int ilevel = 0; 		/* input file stack pointer    */
-int oindex = 0; 		/* diversion index..	       */
-char *null = "";                /* as it says.. just a null..  */
-char *m4wraps = "";             /* m4wrap string default..     */
-char lquote = LQUOTE;		/* left quote character  (`)   */
-char rquote = RQUOTE;		/* right quote character (')   */
-char vquote = VQUOTE;		/* verbatim quote character ^V */
-char scommt = SCOMMT;		/* start character for comment */
-char ecommt = ECOMMT;		/* end character for comment   */
-int strip = 0;			/* throw away comments?        */
-/*  Definitions of diversion files.  The last 6 characters MUST be
-    "XXXXXX" -- that is a requirement of mktemp().  The character
-    '0' is to be replaced by the diversion number; we assume here
-    that it is just before the Xs.  If not, you will have to alter
-    the definition of UNIQUE.
-#if unix
-static char DIVNAM[] = "/tmp/m40XXXXXX";
-#if vms
-static char DIVNAM[] = "sys$login:m40XXXXXX";
-static char DIVNAM[] = "M40XXXXXX";	/* was \M4, should it be \\M4? */
-int UNIQUE = sizeof DIVNAM - 7;	/* where to change m4temp.     */
-char *m4temp;			/* filename for diversions     */
-extern char *mktemp();
-void cantread(s)
-    char *s;
-    {
-	fprintf(stderr, "m4: %s: ", s);
-	error("cannot open for input.");
-    }
-/*  initkwds()
-    initialises the hash table to contain all the m4 built-in functions.
-    The original version breached module boundaries, but there did not
-    seem to be any benefit in that.
-static void initkwds()
-    {
-	register int i;
-	static struct { char *name; int type; } keyword[] =
-	    {
-		"include",      INCLTYPE,
-		"sinclude",     SINCTYPE,
-		"define",       DEFITYPE,
-		"defn",         DEFNTYPE,
-		"divert",       DIVRTYPE,
-		"expr",         EXPRTYPE,
-		"eval",         EXPRTYPE,
-		"substr",       SUBSTYPE,
-		"ifelse",       IFELTYPE,
-		"ifdef",        IFDFTYPE,
-		"len",          LENGTYPE,
-		"incr",         INCRTYPE,
-		"decr",         DECRTYPE,
-		"dnl",          DNLNTYPE,
-		"changequote",  CHNQTYPE,
-		"changecom",    CHNCTYPE,
-		"index",        INDXTYPE,
-#ifdef EXTENDED
-		"paste",        PASTTYPE,
-		"spaste",       SPASTYPE,
-		"m4trim",	TRIMTYPE,
-		"defquote",	DEFQTYPE,
-		"popdef",       POPDTYPE,
-		"pushdef",      PUSDTYPE,
-		"dumpdef",      DUMPTYPE,
-		"shift",        SHIFTYPE,
-		"translit",     TRNLTYPE,
-		"undefine",     UNDFTYPE,
-		"undivert",     UNDVTYPE,
-		"divnum",       DIVNTYPE,
-		"maketemp",     MKTMTYPE,
-		"errprint",     ERRPTYPE,
-		"m4wrap",       M4WRTYPE,
-		"m4exit",       EXITTYPE,
-#if unix || vms
-		"syscmd",       SYSCTYPE,
-		"sysval",       SYSVTYPE,
-#if unix
-		"unix",         MACRTYPE,
-#if vms
-		"vms",          MACRTYPE,
-		(char*)0,	0
-	    };
-	for (i = 0; keyword[i].type != 0; i++)
-	    addkywd(keyword[i].name, keyword[i].type);
-    }
-/*  inspect(Name)
-    Build an input token.., considering only those which start with
-    [A-Za-z_].  This is fused with lookup() to speed things up.
-    name must point to an array of at least MAXTOK characters.
-ndptr inspect(name)
-    char *name;
-    {
-	register char *tp = name;
-	register char *etp = name+(MAXTOK-1);
-	register int c;
-	register unsigned long h = 0;
-	register ndptr p;
-	while (is_sym2(c = gpbc())) {
-	    if (tp == etp) error("m4: token too long");
-	    *tp++ = c, h = (h << 5) + h + c;
-	}
-	putback(c);
-	*tp = EOS;
-	for (p = hashtab[h%HASHSIZE]; p != nil; p = p->nxtptr)
-	    if (strcmp(name, p->name) == 0)
-		return p;
-	return nil;
-    }
- * macro - the work horse..
- *
- */
-void macro()
-    {
-	char token[MAXTOK];
-	register int t;
-	register FILE *op = active;
-	static char ovmsg[] = "m4: internal stack overflow";
-	for (;;) {
-	    t = gpbc();
-	    if (is_sym1(t)) {
-		register char *s;
-		register ndptr p;
-		putback(t);
-		if ((p = inspect(s = token)) == nil) {
-		    if (sp < 0) {
-			while (t = *s++) putc(t, op);
-		    } else {
-			while (t = *s++) chrsave(t);
-		    }
-		} else {
-		    /* real thing.. First build a call frame */
-		    if (sp >= STACKMAX-6) error(ovmsg);
-		    mstack[1+sp].sfra = fp;		/* previous call frm */
-		    mstack[2+sp].sfra = p->type;	/* type of the call  */
-		    mstack[3+sp].sfra = 0;		/* parenthesis level */
-		    fp = sp+3;				/* new frame pointer */
-		    /* now push the string arguments */
-		    mstack[4+sp].sstr = p->defn;	/* defn string */
-		    mstack[5+sp].sstr = p->name;	/* macro name  */
-		    mstack[6+sp].sstr = ep;		/* start next.. */
-		    sp += 6;
-		    t = gpbc();
-		    putback(t);
-		    if (t != LPAREN) { putback(RPAREN); putback(LPAREN); }
-		}
-	    } else
-	    if (t == EOF) {
-		if (sp >= 0) error("m4: unexpected end of input");
-		if (--ilevel < 0) break;		/* all done thanks */
-#ifndef	NO__FILE
-		remhash("__FILE__", TOP);
-		bb = bbstack[ilevel+1];
-		(void) fclose(infile[ilevel+1]);
-	    } else
-	    /* non-alpha single-char token seen..
-		[the order of else if .. stmts is important.] 
-	    */
-	    if (t == lquote) {				/* strip quotes */
-		register int nlpar;
-		for (nlpar = 1; ; ) {
-		    t = gpbc();
-		    if (t == rquote) {
-			if (--nlpar == 0) break;
-		    } else
-		    if (t == lquote) {
-			nlpar++;
-		    } else {
-			if (t == vquote) t = gpbc();
-			if (t == EOF) {
-			    error("m4: missing right quote");
-			}
-		    }
-		    if (sp < 0) {
-			putc(t, op);
-		    } else {
-			chrsave(t);
-		    }
-		}
-	    } else
-	    if (sp < 0) {			/* not in a macro at all */
-		if (t != scommt) {		/* not a comment, so */
-		    putc(t, op);		/* copy it to output */
-		} else
-		if (strip) {			/* discard a comment */
-		    do {
-			t = gpbc();
-		    } while (t != ecommt && t != EOF);
-		} else {			/* copy comment to output */
-		    do {
-			putc(t, op);
-			t = gpbc();
-		    } while (t != ecommt && t != EOF);
-		    putc(t, op);
-		    /*  A note on comment handling:  this is NOT robust.
-		    |   We should do something safe with comments that
-		    |   are missing their ecommt termination.
-		    */
-		}
-	    } else
-	    switch (t) {
-		/*  There is a peculiar detail to notice here.
-		    Layout is _always_ discarded after left parentheses,
-		    but it is only discarded after commas if they separate
-		    arguments.  For example,
-		    define(foo,`|$1|$2|')
-		    foo( a, b)		=> |a|b|
-		    foo(( a ), ( b ))	=> |(a )|(b )|
-		    foo((a, x), (b, y))	=> |(a, x)|(b, y)|
-		    I find this counter-intuitive, and would expect the code
-		    for LPAREN to read something like this:
-		    if (PARLEV == 0) {
-			(* top level left parenthesis: skip layout *)
-			do t = gpbc(); while (is_blnk(t));
-			putback(t);
-		    } else {
-			(* left parenthesis inside an argument *)
-			chrsave(t);
-		    }
-		    PARLEV++;
-		    However, it turned out that Oz wrote the actual code
-		    very carefully to mimic the behaviour of "real" m4;
-		    UNIX m4 really does skip layout after all left parens
-		    but only some commas in just this fashion.  Sigh.
-		*/
-		case LPAREN:
-		    if (PARLEV > 0) chrsave(t);
-		    do t = gpbc(); while (is_blnk(t));	/* skip layout */
-		    putback(t);
-		    PARLEV++;
-		    break;
-		case COMMA:
-		    if (PARLEV == 1) {
-			chrsave(EOS);		/* new argument   */
-			if (sp >= STACKMAX) error(ovmsg);
-			do t = gpbc(); while (is_blnk(t)); /* skip layout */
-			putback(t);
-			mstack[++sp].sstr = ep;
-		    } else {
-			chrsave(t);
-		    }
-		    break;
-		case RPAREN:
-		    if (--PARLEV > 0) {
-			chrsave(t);
-		    } else {
-			char **argv = (char **)(mstack+fp+1);
-			int    argc = sp-fp;
-#if	unix | vms
-			static int sysval;
-			chrsave(EOS);		/* last argument */
-			if (sp >= STACKMAX) error(ovmsg);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-			fprintf(stderr, "argc = %d\n", argc);
-			for (t = 0; t < argc; t++)
-			    fprintf(stderr, "argv[%d] = %s\n", t, argv[t]);
-			/*  If argc == 3 and argv[2] is null, then we
-			    have a call like `macro_or_builtin()'.  We
-			    adjust argc to avoid further checking..
-			*/
-			if (argc == 3 && !argv[2][0]) argc--;
-			switch (CALTYP & ~STATIC) {
-			    case MACRTYPE:
-				expand(argv, argc);
-				break;
-			    case DEFITYPE:		/* define(..) */
-				for (; argc > 2; argc -= 2, argv += 2)
-				    dodefine(argv[2], argc > 3 ? argv[3] : null);
-				break;
-			    case PUSDTYPE:		/* pushdef(..) */
-				for (; argc > 2; argc -= 2, argv += 2)
-				    dopushdef(argv[2], argc > 3 ? argv[3] : null);
-				break;
-			    case DUMPTYPE:
-				dodump(argv, argc);
-				break;
-			    case EXPRTYPE:		/* eval(Expr) */
-				{   /* evaluate arithmetic expression */
-				    /* eval([val: 0[, radix:10 [,min: 1]]]) */
-				    /* excess arguments are ignored */
-				    /* eval() with no arguments returns 0 */
-				    /* this is based on V.3 behaviour */
-				    int min_digits = 1;
-				    int radix = 10;
-				    long int value = 0;
-				    switch (argc) {
-					default:
-					    /* ignore excess arguments */
-					case 5:
-					    min_digits = expr(argv[4]);
-					case 4:
-					    radix = expr(argv[3]);
-					case 3:
-					    value = expr(argv[2]);
-					case 2:
-					    break;
-				    }
-				    pbrad(value, radix, min_digits);
-				}
-				break;
-			    case IFELTYPE:		/* ifelse(X,Y,IFX=Y,Else) */
-				doifelse(argv, argc);
-				break;
-			    case IFDFTYPE:		/* ifdef(Mac,IfDef[,IfNotDef]) */
-				/* select one of two alternatives based on the existence */
-				/* of another definition */
-				if (argc > 3) {
-				    if (lookup(argv[2]) != nil) {
-					pbstr(argv[3]);
-				    } else
-				    if (argc > 4) {
-					pbstr(argv[4]);
-				    }
-				}
-				break;
-			    case LENGTYPE:		/* len(Arg) */
-				/* find the length of the argument */
-				pbnum(argc > 2 ? strlen(argv[2]) : 0);
-				break;
-			    case INCRTYPE:		/* incr(Expr) */
-				/* increment the value of the argument */
-				if (argc > 2) pbnum(expr(argv[2]) + 1);
-				break;
-			    case DECRTYPE:		/* decr(Expr) */
-				/* decrement the value of the argument */
-				if (argc > 2) pbnum(expr(argv[2]) - 1);
-				break;
-#if unix || vms
-			    case SYSCTYPE:		/* syscmd(Command) */
-				/* execute system command */
-				/* Make sure m4 output is NOT interrupted */
-				fflush(stdout);
-				fflush(stderr);
-				if (argc > 2) sysval = system(argv[2]);
-				break;
-			    case SYSVTYPE:		/* sysval() */
-				/* return value of the last system call.  */
-				pbnum(sysval);
-				break;
-			    case INCLTYPE:		/* include(File) */
-				for (t = 2; t < argc; t++)
-				    if (!doincl(argv[t])) cantread(argv[t]);
-				break;
-			    case SINCTYPE:		/* sinclude(File) */
-				for (t = 2; t < argc; t++)
-				    (void) doincl(argv[t]);
-				break;
-#ifdef EXTENDED
-			    case PASTTYPE:		/* paste(File) */
-				for (t = 2; t < argc; t++)
-				    if (!dopaste(argv[t])) cantread(argv[t]);
-				break;
-			    case SPASTYPE:		/* spaste(File) */
-				for (t = 2; t < argc; t++)
-				    (void) dopaste(argv[t]);
-				break;
-			    case TRIMTYPE:		/* m4trim(Source,..) */
-				if (argc > 2) m4trim(argv, argc);
-				break;
-			    case DEFQTYPE:		/* defquote(Mac,...) */
-				dodefqt(argv, argc);
-				break;
-			    case QUTRTYPE:		/* <quote>(text...) */
-				doqutr(argv, argc);
-				break;
-			    case CHNQTYPE:		/* changequote([Left[,Right]]) */
-				dochq(argv, argc);
-				break;
-			    case CHNCTYPE:		/* changecom([Left[,Right]]) */
-				dochc(argv, argc);
-				break;
-			    case SUBSTYPE:		/* substr(Source[,Offset[,Length]]) */
-				/* select substring */
-				if (argc > 3) dosub(argv, argc);
-				break;
-			    case SHIFTYPE:		/* shift(~args~) */
-				/* push back all arguments except the first one */
-				/* (i.e.  skip argv[2]) */
-				if (argc > 3) {
-				    for (t = argc-1; t > 3; t--) {
-					pbqtd(argv[t]);
-					putback(',');
-				    }
-				    pbqtd(argv[3]);
-				}
-				break;
-			    case DIVRTYPE:		/* divert(N) */
-				if (argc > 2 && (t = expr(argv[2])) != 0) {
-				    dodiv(t);
-				} else {
-				    active = stdout;
-				    oindex = 0;
-				}
-				op = active;
-				break;
-			    case UNDVTYPE:		/* undivert(N...) */
-				doundiv(argv, argc);
-				op = active;
-				break;
-			    case DIVNTYPE:		/* divnum() */
-				/* return the number of current output diversion */
-				pbnum(oindex);
-				break;
-			    case UNDFTYPE:		/* undefine(..) */
-				/* undefine a previously defined macro(s) or m4 keyword(s). */
-				for (t = 2; t < argc; t++) remhash(argv[t], ALL);
-				break;
-			    case POPDTYPE:		/* popdef(Mac...) */
-				/* remove the topmost definitions of macro(s) or m4 keyword(s). */
-				for (t = 2; t < argc; t++) remhash(argv[t], TOP);
-				break;
-			    case MKTMTYPE:		/* maketemp(Pattern) */
-				/* create a temporary file */
-				if (argc > 2) pbstr(mktemp(argv[2]));
-				break;
-			    case TRNLTYPE:		/* translit(Source,Dom,Rng) */
-				/* replace all characters in the source string that */
-				/* appears in the "from" string with the corresponding */
-				/* characters in the "to" string. */
-				if (argc > 3) {
-				    char temp[MAXTOK];
-				    if (argc > 4)
-					map(temp, argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
-				    else
-					map(temp, argv[2], argv[3], null);
-				    pbstr(temp);
-				} else if (argc > 2)
-				    pbstr(argv[2]);
-				break;
-			    case INDXTYPE:		/* index(Source,Target) */
-				/* find the index of the second argument string in */
-				/* the first argument string. -1 if not present. */
-				pbnum(argc > 3 ? indx(argv[2], argv[3]) : -1);
-				break;
-			    case ERRPTYPE:		/* errprint(W,...,W) */
-				/* print the arguments to stderr file */
-				for (t = 2; t < argc; t++) fprintf(stderr, "%s ", argv[t]);
-				fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-				break;
-			    case DNLNTYPE:		/* dnl() */
-				/* eat upto and including newline */
-				while ((t = gpbc()) != '\n' && t != EOF) ;
-				break;
-			    case M4WRTYPE:		/* m4wrap(AtExit) */
-				/* set up for wrap-up/wind-down activity.   */
-				/* NB: if there are several calls to m4wrap */
-				/* only the last is effective; strange, but */
-				/* that's what System V does.               */
-				m4wraps = argc > 2 ? strsave(argv[2]) : null;
-				break;
-			    case EXITTYPE:		/* m4exit(Expr) */
-				/* immediate exit from m4.  */
-				killdiv();		/* mustn't forget that one! */
-				exit(argc > 2 ? expr(argv[2]) : 0);
-				break;
-			    case DEFNTYPE:		/* defn(Mac) */
-				for (t = 2; t < argc; t++)
-				    dodefn(argv[t]);
-				break;
-			    default:
-				error("m4: major botch in eval.");
-				break;
-			}
-			ep = PREVEP;		/* flush strspace */
-			sp = PREVSP;		/* previous sp..  */
-			fp = PREVFP;		/* rewind stack... */
-		    }
-		    break;
-		default:
-		    chrsave(t);			/* stack the char */
-		    break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-int main(argc, argv)
-    int argc;
-    char **argv;
-    {
-	register int c;
-	register int n;
-	char *p;
-#ifdef	SIGINT
-	if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
-		signal(SIGINT, onintr);
-	/*  Initialise the chtype[] table.
-	    '0' .. '9' -> 1..10
-	    'A' .. 'Z' -> 11..37
-	    'a' .. 'z' -> 11..37
-	    '_' -> 38
-	    all other characters -> 0
-	*/
-	for (c = EOF; c <= UCHAR_MAX; c++) chtype[c - EOF] = 0;
-	for (c =  1, p = "0123456789"; *p; p++, c++)
-	    chtype[*(unsigned char *)p - EOF] = c;
-	for (c = 11, p = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; *p; p++, c++)
-	    chtype[*(unsigned char *)p - EOF] = c;
-	for (c = 11, p = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; *p; p++, c++)
-	    chtype[*(unsigned char *)p - EOF] = c;
-	chtype['_' - EOF] = 38;
-	/*  If your system does not initialise global variables to  */
-	/*  0 bits, do it here.					    */
-	for (n = 0; n < HASHSIZE; n++) hashtab[n] = nil;
-	for (n = 0; n < MAXOUT; n++) outfile[n] = NULL;
-	initkwds();
-	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "cetD:U:o:B:H:S:T:")) != EOF) {
-	    switch (c) {
-#if 0
-		case 's':		/* enable #line sync in output */
-		    fprintf(stderr, "m4: this version does not support -s\n");
-		    exit(2);
-		case 'c':		/* strip comments */
-		    strip ^= 1;
-		    break;
-		case 'e':		/* interactive */
-		    (void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
-		    setbuf(stdout, NULL);
-		    break;
-		case 'D':               /* define something..*/
-		    for (p = optarg; *p && *p != '='; p++) ;
-		    if (*p) *p++ = EOS;
-		    dodefine(optarg, p);
-		    break;
-		case 'U':               /* undefine...       */
-		    remhash(optarg, TOP);
-		    break;
-		case 'B': case 'H':	/* System V compatibility */
-		case 'S': case 'T':	/* ignore them */
-		    break;
-		case 'o':		/* specific output   */
-		    if (!freopen(optarg, "w", stdout)) {
-			perror(optarg);
-			exit(1);
-		    }
-		    break;
-		case '?':
-		default:
-			usage();
-	    }
-	}
-	active = stdout;		/* default active output     */
-	m4temp = mktemp(DIVNAM);	/* filename for diversions   */
-	sp = -1;			/* stack pointer initialized */
-	fp = 0; 			/* frame pointer initialized */
-	if (optind == argc) {		/* no more args; read stdin  */
-	    infile[0] = stdin;		/* default input (naturally) */
-#ifndef	NO__FILE
-	    dodefine("__FILE__", "-");	/* Helas */
-	    macro();			/* process that file         */
-	} else				/* file names in commandline */
-	for (; optind < argc; optind++) {
-	    char *name = argv[optind];	/* next file name            */
-	    infile[0] = fopen(name, "r");
-	    if (!infile[0]) cantread(name);
-#ifndef	NO__FILE
-	    dodefine("__FILE__", name);
-	    macro();
-	    fclose(infile[0]);
-	}
-	if (*m4wraps) { 		/* anything for rundown ??   */
-	    ilevel = 0;			/* in case m4wrap includes.. */
-	    putback(EOF);		/* eof is a must !!	     */
-	    pbstr(m4wraps); 		/* user-defined wrapup act   */
-	    macro();			/* last will and testament   */
-	} else {			/* default wrap-up: undivert */
-	    for (n = 1; n < MAXOUT; n++)
-		if (outfile[n] != NULL) getdiv(n);
-	}
-	if (outfile[0] != NULL) {	/* remove bitbucket if used  */
-	    (void) fclose(outfile[0]);
-	    m4temp[UNIQUE] = '0';
-#if unix
-	    (void) unlink(m4temp);
-	    (void) remove(m4temp);
-	}
-	exit(0);
-	return 0;
-    }
//GO.SYSIN DD main.c
echo misc.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >misc.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD misc.c'
-/*  File   : misc.c
-    Author : Ozan Yigit
-    Updated: 26-Mar-1993
-    Purpose: Miscellaneous support code for PD M4.
-#include "mdef.h"
-#include "extr.h"
-#include "ourlims.h"
-#ifdef	DUFFCP
-/*  This version of the ANSI standard function memcpy()
-    uses Duff's Device (tm Tom Duff)  to unroll the copying loop:
-	while (count-- > 0) *to++ = *from++;
-void memcpy(to, from, count)
-    register char *from, *to;
-    register int count;
-    {
-	if (count > 0) {
-	    register int loops = (count+8-1) >> 3;	/* div 8 round up */
-	    switch (count & (8-1)) {	/* mod 8 */
-	        case 0: do {	*to++ = *from++;
-		case 7:		*to++ = *from++;
-		case 6:		*to++ = *from++;
-		case 5:		*to++ = *from++;
-		case 4:		*to++ = *from++;
-		case 3:		*to++ = *from++;
-		case 2:		*to++ = *from++;
-		case 1:		*to++ = *from++;
-			} while (--loops > 0);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-/*  strsave(s)
-    return a new malloc()ed copy of s -- same as V.3's strdup().
-char *strsave(s)
-    char *s;
-    {
-	register int n = strlen(s)+1;
-	char *p = malloc(n);
-	if (p) memcpy(p, s, n);
-	return p;
-    }
-/*  indx(s1, s2)
-    if s1 can be decomposed as alpha || s2 || omega, return the length
-    of the shortest such alpha, otherwise return -1.
-int indx(s1, s2)
-    char *s1;
-    char *s2;
-    {
-	register char *t;
-	register char *m;
-	register char *p;
-	for (p = s1; *p; p++) {
-	    for (t = p, m = s2; *m && *m == *t; m++, t++);
-	    if (!*m) return p-s1;
-	}
-	return -1;
-    }
-char pbmsg[] = "m4: too many characters pushed back";
-/*  Xputback(c)
-    push character c back onto the input stream.
-    This is now macro putback() in misc.h
-void Xputback(c)
-    char c;
-    {
-	if (bp < endpbb) *bp++ = c; else error(pbmsg);
-    }
-/*  pbstr(s)
-    push string s back onto the input stream.
-    putback() has been unfolded here to improve performance.
-    Example:
-	s = <ABC>
-	bp = <more stuff>
-    After the call:
-	bp = <more stuffCBA>
-    It would be more efficient if we ran the pushback buffer in the
-    opposite direction
-void pbstr(s)
-    register char *s;
-    {
-	register char *es;
-	register char *zp;
-	zp = bp;
-	for (es = s; *es; ) es++;	/* now es points to terminating NUL */
-	bp += es-s;			/* advance bp as far as it should go */
-	if (bp >= endpbb) error("m4: too many characters to push back");
-	while (es > s) *zp++ = *--es;
-    }
-/*  pbqtd(s)
-    pushes string s back "quoted", doing whatever has to be done to it to
-    make sure that the result will evaluate to the original value.  As it
-    happens, we have only to add lquote and rquote.
-void pbqtd(s)
-    register char *s;
-    {
-	register char *es;
-	register char *zp;
-	zp = bp;
-	for (es = s; *es; ) es++;	/* now es points to terminating NUL */
-	bp += 2+es-s;			/* advance bp as far as it should go */
-	if (bp >= endpbb) error("m4: too many characters to push back");
-	*zp++ = rquote;
-	while (es > s) *zp++ = *--es;
-	*zp++ = lquote;
-    }
-/*  pbnum(n)
-    convert a number to a (decimal) string and push it back.
-    The original definition did not work for MININT; this does.
-void pbnum(n)
-    int n;
-    {
-	register int num;
-	num = n > 0 ? -n : n;	/* MININT <= num <= 0 */
-	do {
-	    putback('0' - (num % 10));
-	} while ((num /= 10) < 0);
-	if (n < 0) putback('-');
-    }
-/*  pbrad(n, r, m)
-    converts a number n to base r ([-36..-2] U [2..36]), with at least
-    m digits.  If r == 10 and m == 1, this is exactly the same as pbnum.
-    However, this uses the function int2str() from R.A.O'Keefe's public
-    domain string library, and puts the results of that back.
-    The Unix System V Release 3 version of m4 accepts radix 1;
-    nor do we accept radix < -36 or radix > 36.  At the moment such bad
-    radices quietly produce nothing.  The V.3 treatment of radix 1 is
-	push back abs(n) "1"s, then
-	if n < 0, push back one "-".
-    Until I come across something which uses it, I can't bring myself to
-    implement this.
-    I have, however, found a use for radix 0.  Unsurprisingly, it is
-    related to radix 0 in Edinburgh Prolog.
-	eval('c1c2...cn', 0, m)
-    pushes back max(m-n,0) blanks and the characters c1...cn.  This can
-    adjust to any byte size as long as UCHAR_MAX = (1 << CHAR_BIT) - 1.
-    In particular, eval(c, 0) where 0 < c <= UCHAR_MAX, pushes back the
-    character with code c.  Note that this has to agree with eval(); so
-    both of them have to use the same byte ordering.
-void pbrad(n, r, m)
-    long int n;
-    int r, m;
-    {
-	char buffer[34];
-	char *p;
-	int L;
-	if (r == 0) {
-	    unsigned long int x = (unsigned long)n;
-	    int n;
-	    for (n = 0; x; x >>= CHAR_BIT, n++) buffer[n] = x & UCHAR_MAX;
-	    for (L = n; --L >= 0; ) putback(buffer[L]);
-	    for (L = m-n; --L >= 0; ) putback(' ');
-	    return;
-	}
-	L = m - (int2str(p = buffer, -r, n)-buffer);
-	if (buffer[0] == '-') L++, p++;
-	if (L > 0) {
-	    pbstr(p);
-	    while (--L >= 0) putback('0');
-	    if (p != buffer) putback('-');
-	} else {
-	    pbstr(buffer);
-	}
-    }
-char csmsg[] = "m4: string space overflow";
-/*  chrsave(c)
-    put the character c in the string space.
-void Xchrsave(c)
-    char c;
-    {
-#if 0
-	if (sp < 0) putc(c, active); else
-	if (ep < endest) *ep++ = c; else
-	error(csmsg);
-    }
-/*  getdiv(ind)
-    read in a diversion file and then delete it.
-void getdiv(ind)
-    int ind;
-    {
-	register int c;
-	register FILE *dfil;
-	register FILE *afil;
-	afil = active;
-	if (outfile[ind] == afil)
-	    error("m4: undivert: diversion still active.");
-	(void) fclose(outfile[ind]);
-	outfile[ind] = NULL;
-	m4temp[UNIQUE] = '0' + ind;
-	if ((dfil = fopen(m4temp, "r")) == NULL)
-	    error("m4: cannot undivert.");
-	while ((c = getc(dfil)) != EOF) putc(c, afil);
-	(void) fclose(dfil);
-#if vms
-	if (remove(m4temp)) error("m4: cannot unlink.");
-	if (unlink(m4temp) == -1) error("m4: cannot unlink.");
-    }
-/*  killdiv()
-    delete all the diversion files which have been created.
-void killdiv()
-    {
-	register int n;
-	for (n = 0; n < MAXOUT; n++) {
-	    if (outfile[n] != NULL) {
-		(void) fclose(outfile[n]);
-		m4temp[UNIQUE] = '0' + n;
-#if unix
-		(void) unlink(m4temp);
-		(void) remove(m4temp);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-/*  error(s)
-    close all files, report a fatal error, and quit, letting the caller know.
-void error(s)
-    char *s;
-    {
-	killdiv();
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-/*  Interrupt handling
-static char *msg = "\ninterrupted.";
-#ifdef	__STDC__
-void onintr(int signo)
-    {
-	error(msg);
-    }
-void usage()
-    {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: m4 [-e] [-[BHST]int] [-Dname[=val]] [-Uname]\n");
-	exit(1);
-    }
-#ifdef GETOPT
-/* Henry Spencer's getopt() - get option letter from argv */
-char *optarg;			/* Global argument pointer. */
-int optind = 0;			/* Global argv index. */
-static char *scan = NULL;	/* Private scan pointer. */
-#ifndef	__STDC__
-extern	char *index();
-#define strchr index
-int getopt(argc, argv, optstring)
-    int argc;
-    char **argv;
-    char *optstring;
-    {
-	register char c;
-	register char *place;
-	optarg = NULL;
-	if (scan == NULL || *scan == '\0') {
-	    if (optind == 0) optind++;
-	    if (optind >= argc
-	     || argv[optind][0] != '-'
-	     || argv[optind][1] == '\0')
-		return EOF;
-	    if (strcmp(argv[optind], "--") == 0) {
-		optind++;
-		return EOF;
-	    }
-	    scan = argv[optind]+1;
-	    optind++;
-	}
-	c = *scan++;
-	place = strchr(optstring, c);
-	if (place == NULL || c == ':') {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option -%c\n", argv[0], c);
-	    return '?';
-	}
-	place++;
-	if (*place == ':') {
-	    if (*scan != '\0') {
-		optarg = scan;
-		scan = NULL;
-	    } else {
-		optarg = argv[optind];
-		optind++;
-	    }
-	}
-	return c;
-    }
//GO.SYSIN DD misc.c
echo serv.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >serv.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD serv.c'
-/*  File   : serv.c
-    Author : Ozan Yigit
-    Updated: 4 May 1992
-    Defines: Principal built-in macros for PD M4.
-#include "mdef.h"
-#include "extr.h"
-#include "ourlims.h"
-#define	ucArgv(n) ((unsigned char *)argv[n])
-/*  26-Mar-1993		Made m4trim() 8-bit clean.
-/*  expand(<DS FN A1 ... An>)
-	     0  1  2      n+1		-- initial indices in argv[]
-	    -1  0  1      n		-- after adjusting argv++, argc--
-    This expands a user-defined macro;  FN is the name of the macro, DS
-    is its definition string, and A1 ... An are its arguments.
-void expand(argv, argc)
-    char **argv;
-    int argc;
-    {
-	register char *t;
-	register char *p;
-	register int n;
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr, "expand(%s,%d)\n", argv[1], argc);
-	argc--;			/* discount definition string (-1th arg) */
-	t = *argv++;		/* definition string as a whole */
-	for (p = t; *p++; ) ;
-	p -= 2;			/* points to last character of definition */
-	while (p > t) {		/* if definition is empty, fails at once  */
-	    if (*--p != ARGFLAG) {
-		putback(p[1]);
-	    } else {
-		switch (p[1]) {
-		    case '#':
-			pbnum(argc-1);
-			break;
-		    case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
-		    case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
-			if ((n = p[1]-'0') < argc) pbstr(argv[n]);
-			break;
-		    case '*':		/* push all arguments back */
-			for (n = argc-1; n > 1; n--) {
-			    pbstr(argv[n]);
-			    putback(',');
-			}
-			pbstr(argv[1]);
-			break;
-		    case '@':		/* push arguments back quoted */
-			for (n = argc-1; n > 1; n--) {
-			    pbqtd(argv[n]);
-			    putback(',');
-			}
-			pbqtd(argv[1]);
-			break;
-		    case '$':		/* $$ => $ */
-			break;
-		    default:
-			putback(p[1]);
-			putback(p[0]);
-			break;
-		}
-		p--;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (p == t) putback(*p);		/* do last character */
-    }
-static char nuldefmsg[] = "m4: defining null name.";
-static char recdefmsg[] = "m4: macro defined as itself.";
-/*  dodefine(Name, Definition)
-    install Definition as the only definition of Name in the hash table.
- */
-void dodefine(name, defn)
-    register char *name;
-    register char *defn;
-    {
-	register ndptr p;
-	if (!name || !*name) error(nuldefmsg);
-	if (strcmp(name, defn) == 0) error(recdefmsg);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr, "define(%s,--)\n", name);
-	if ((p = lookup(name)) == nil) {
-	    p = addent(name);
-	} else
-	if (p->defn != null) {		/* what if p->type & STATIC ? */
-	    free(p->defn);
-	}
-	p->defn = !defn || !*defn ? null : strsave(defn);
-	p->type = MACRTYPE;
-    }
-/*  dopushdef(Name, Definition)
-    install Definition as the *first* definition of Name in the hash table,
-    but do not remove any existing definitions.  The new definition will
-    hide any old ones until a popdef() removes it.
-void dopushdef(name, defn)
-    register char *name;
-    register char *defn;
-    {
-	register ndptr p;
-	if (!name || !*name) error(nuldefmsg);
-	if (strcmp(name, defn) == 0) error(recdefmsg);
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr, "pushdef(%s,--)\n", name);
-	p = addent(name);
-	p->defn = !defn || !*defn ? null : strsave(defn);
-	p->type = MACRTYPE;
-    }
-/*  dodefn(Name)
-    push back a *quoted* copy of Name's definition.
-void dodefn(name)
-    char *name;
-    {
-	register ndptr p;
-	if ((p = lookup(name)) != nil && p->defn != null) pbqtd(p->defn);
-    }
-/*  dodump(<? dump>)		dump all definition in the hash table
-    dodump(<? dump F1 ... Fn>)	dump the definitions of F1 ... Fn in that order
-    The requested definitions are written to stderr.  What happens to names
-    which have a built-in (numeric) definition?
-void dodump(argv, argc)
-    register char **argv;
-    register int argc;
-    {
-	register int n;
-	ndptr p;
-	static char dumpfmt[] = "define(`%s',\t`%s')\n";
-	if (argc > 2) {
-	    for (n = 2; n < argc; n++)
-		if ((p = lookup(argv[n])) != nil)
-		    fprintf(stderr, dumpfmt, p->name, p->defn);
-	} else {
-	    for (n = 0; n < HASHSIZE; n++)
-		for (p = hashtab[n]; p != nil; p = p->nxtptr)
-		    fprintf(stderr, dumpfmt, p->name, p->defn);
-	}
-    }
-/*  doifelse(<? ifelse {x y ifx=y}... [else]>)
-	      0 1       2 3 4         [2 when we get to it]
-void doifelse(argv, argc)
-    register char **argv;
-    register int argc;
-    {
-	for (; argc >= 5; argv += 3, argc -= 3)
-	    if (strcmp(argv[2], argv[3]) == 0) {
-		pbstr(argv[4]);
-		return;
-	    }
-	if (argc >= 3) pbstr(argv[2]);
-    }
-/*  doinclude(FileName)
-    include a given file.
-int doincl(FileName)
-    char *FileName;
-    {
-	if (ilevel+1 == MAXINP) error("m4: too many include files.");
-#ifdef	DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr, "include(%s)\n", FileName);
-	if ((infile[ilevel+1] = fopen(FileName, "r")) != NULL) {
-#ifndef	NO__FILE
-	    dopushdef("__FILE__", FileName);
-	    bbstack[ilevel+1] = bb;
-	    bb = bp;
-	    ilevel++;
-	    return 1;
-	} else {
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-#ifdef EXTENDED
-/*  dopaste(FileName)
-    copy a given file to the output stream without any macro processing.
-int dopaste(FileName)
-    char *FileName;
-    {
-	register FILE *pf;
-	register FILE *afil = active;
-	register int c;
-	if ((pf = fopen(FileName, "r")) != NULL) {
-	    while ((c = getc(pf)) != EOF) putc(c, afil);
-	    (void) fclose(pf);
-	    return 1;
-	} else {
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-/*  dochq(<? changequote [left [right [verbatim]]]>)
-	   0 1            2     3      4
-    change the quote characters; to single characters only.
-    Empty arguments result in no change for that parameter.
-    Missing arguments result in defaults:
-	changequote		=> ` ' ^V
-	changequote(q)		=> q q ^V
-	changequote(l,r)	=> l r ^V
-	changequote(l,r,v)	=> l r v
-    There isn't any way of switching the verbatim-quote off,
-    but if you make it the same as the right quote it won't
-    be able to do anything (we check for R, L, V in that order).
-void dochq(argv, argc)
-    register char **argv;
-    register int argc;
-    {
-	if (argc > 2) {
-	    if (*argv[2]) lquote = *argv[2];
-	    if (argc > 3) {
-		if (*argv[3]) rquote = *argv[3];
-		    if (argc > 4 && *argv[4]) vquote = *argv[4];
-	    } else {
-		rquote = lquote;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    lquote = LQUOTE;
-	    rquote = RQUOTE;
-	    vquote = VQUOTE;
-	}
-    }
-/*  dochc(<? changecomment [left [right]]>)
-           0 1		    2     3
-    change the comment delimiters; to single characters only.
-void dochc(argv, argc)
-    register char **argv;
-    register int argc;
-    {
-	if (argc > 2) {
-	    if (*argv[2]) scommt = *argv[2];
-	    if (argc > 3) {
-		if (*argv[3]) ecommt = *argv[3];
-	    } else {
-		ecommt = ECOMMT;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    scommt = '\0';	/* assuming no nulls in input */
-	    ecommt = '\0';
-	}
-    }
-/*  dodivert - divert the output to a temporary file
-void dodiv(n)
-    register int n;
-    {
-	if (n < 0 || n >= MAXOUT) n = 0;	/* bitbucket */
-	if (outfile[n] == NULL) {
-	    m4temp[UNIQUE] = '0' + n;
-	    if ((outfile[n] = fopen(m4temp, "w")) == NULL)
-		error("m4: cannot divert.");
-	}
-	oindex = n;
-	active = outfile[n];
-    }
-/*  doundivert - undivert a specified output, or all
- *              other outputs, in numerical order.
-void doundiv(argv, argc)
-    register char **argv;
-    register int argc;
-    {
-	register int ind;
-	register int n;
-	if (argc > 2) {
-	    for (ind = 2; ind < argc; ind++) {
-		n = expr(argv[ind]);
-		if (n > 0 && n < MAXOUT && outfile[n] != NULL) getdiv(n);
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    for (n = 1; n < MAXOUT; n++)
-		if (outfile[n] != NULL) getdiv(n);
-	}
-    }
-/*  dosub(<? substr {offset} [{length}]>)
-    The System V Interface Definition does not say what happens when the
-    offset or length are out of range.  I have chosen to force them into
-    range, with the result that unlike the former version of this code,
-    dosub cannot be tricked into SIGSEGV.
-    BUG:  This is not 8-bit clean yet.
-void dosub(argv, argc)
-    char **argv;
-    int argc;
-    {
-	register int nc;		/* number of characters */
-	register char *ap = argv[2];	/* target string */
-	register int al = strlen(ap);	/* its length */
-	register int df = expr(argv[3]);/* offset */
-	if (df < 0) df = 0; else	/* force df back into the range */
-	if (df > al) df = al;		/* 0 <= df <= al */
-	al -= df;			/* now al limits nc */
-	if (argc >= 5) {		/* nc is provided */
-	    nc = expr(argv[4]);
-	    if (nc < 0) nc = 0; else	/* force nc back into the range */
-	    if (nc > al) nc = al;	/* 0 <= nc <= strlen(ap)-df */
-	} else {
-	    nc = al;			/* default is all rest of ap */
-	}
-	ap += df + nc;
-	while (--nc >= 0) putback(*--ap);
-    }
-/* map(dest, src, from, to)
-    map every character of src that is specified in from 
-    into "to" and replace in dest. (source "src" remains untouched)
-    This is a standard implementation of Icon's map(s,from,to) function.
-    Within mapvec, we replace every character of "from" with the
-    corresponding character in "to".  If "to" is shorter than "from",
-    then the corresponding entries are null, which means that those
-    characters disappear altogether.  Furthermore, imagine a call like
-    map(dest, "sourcestring", "srtin", "rn..*"). In this case, `s' maps
-    to `r', `r' maps to `n' and `n' maps to `*'. Thus, `s' ultimately
-    maps to `*'. In order to achieve this effect in an efficient manner
-    (i.e. without multiple passes over the destination string), we loop
-    over mapvec, starting with the initial source character.  If the
-    character value (dch) in this location is different from the source
-    character (sch), sch becomes dch, once again to index into mapvec,
-    until the character value stabilizes (i.e. sch = dch, in other words
-    mapvec[n] == n).  Even if the entry in the mapvec is null for an
-    ordinary character, it will stabilize, since mapvec[0] == 0 at all
-    times.  At the end, we restore mapvec* back to normal where
-    mapvec[n] == n for 0 <= n <= 127.  This strategy, along with the
-    restoration of mapvec, is about 5 times faster than any algorithm
-    that makes multiple passes over the destination string.
-void map(d, s, f, t)
-    char *d, *s, *f, *t;
-    {
-	register unsigned char *dest = (unsigned char *)d;
-	register unsigned char *src  = (unsigned char *)s;
-	         unsigned char *from = (unsigned char *)f;
-	register unsigned char *to   = (unsigned char *)t;
-	register unsigned char *tmp;
-	register unsigned char sch, dch;
-	static   unsigned char mapvec[1+UCHAR_MAX] = {1};
-	if (mapvec[0]) {
-	    register int i;
-	    for (i = 0; i <= UCHAR_MAX; i++) mapvec[i] = i;
-	}
-	if (src && *src) {
-	    /* create a mapping between "from" and "to" */
-	    if (to && *to)
-		for (tmp = from; sch = *tmp++; ) mapvec[sch] = *to++;
-	    else
-		for (tmp = from; sch = *tmp++; ) mapvec[sch] = '\0';
-	    while (sch = *src++) {
-		while ((dch = mapvec[sch]) != sch) sch = dch;
-		if (*dest = dch) dest++;
-	    }
-	    /* restore all the changed characters */
-	    for (tmp = from; sch = *tmp++; ) mapvec[sch] = sch;
-	}
-	*dest = '\0';
-    }
-#ifdef	EXTENDED
-/*  m4trim(<? m4trim [string [leading [trailing [middle [rep]]]]]>)
-	    0 1       2       3        4         5       6
-    (1) Any prefix consisting of characters in the "leading" set is removed.
-	The default is " \t\n".
-    (2) Any suffix consisting of characters in the "trailing" set is removed.
-	The default is to be the same as leading.
-    (3) Any block of consecutive characters in the "middle" set is replaced
-	by the rep string.  The default for middle is " \t\n", and the
-	default for rep is the first character of middle.
-void m4trim(argv, argc)
-    char **argv;
-    int argc;
-    {
-	static unsigned char repbuf[2] = " ";
-	static unsigned char layout[] = " \t\n\r\f";
-	unsigned char *string   = argc > 2 ? ucArgv(2) : repbuf+1;
-	unsigned char *leading  = argc > 3 ? ucArgv(3) : layout;
-	unsigned char *trailing = argc > 4 ? ucArgv(4) : leading;
-	unsigned char *middle   = argc > 5 ? ucArgv(5) : trailing;
-	unsigned char *rep      = argc > 6 ? ucArgv(6) :
-						 (repbuf[0] = *middle, repbuf);
-	static unsigned char sets[1+UCHAR_MAX];
-#	define PREF 1
-#	define SUFF 2
-#	define MIDL 4
-	register int i, n;
-	for (i = UCHAR_MAX; i >= 0; ) sets[i--] = 0;
-	while (*leading)  sets[*leading++]  |= PREF;
-	while (*trailing) sets[*trailing++] |= SUFF;
-	while (*middle)   sets[*middle++]   |= MIDL;
-	while (*string && sets[*string]&PREF) string++;
-	n = strlen((char *)string);
-	while (n > 0 && sets[string[n-1]]&SUFF) n--;
-	while (n > 0) {
-	    i = string[--n];
-	    if (sets[i]&MIDL) {
-		pbstr((char*)rep);
-		while (n > 0 && sets[string[n-1]]&MIDL) n--;
-	    } else {
-		putback(i);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-/*  defquote(MacroName	# The name of the "quoter" macro to be defined.
-	[, Opener	# default: "'".  The characters to place at the
-			# beginning of the result.
-	[, Separator	# default: ",".  The characters to place between
-			# successive arguments.
-	[, Closer	# default: same as Opener.  The characters to
-			# place at the end of the result.
-	[, Escape	# default: `'  The escape character to put in
-			# front of things that need escaping.
-	[, Default	# default: simple.  Possible values are
-			# [lL].* = letter, corresponds to PLAIN1.
-			# [dD].* = digit,  corresponds to PLAIN2.
-			# [sS].* = simple, corresponds to SIMPLE.
-			# [eE].* = escaped,corresponds to SCAPED.
-			# .*,              corresponds to FANCY
-	[, Letters	# default: `'.  The characters of type "L".
-	[, Digits	# default: `'.  The characters of type "D".
-	[, Simple	# default: `'.  The characters of type "S".
-	[, Escaped	# default: `'.  The characters of type "E".
-	{, Fancy	# default: none.  Each has the form `C'`Repr'
-			# saying that the character C is to be represented
-			# as Repr.  Can be used for trigraphs, \n, &c.
-	}]]]]]]]]])
-    Examples:
-	defquote(DOUBLEQT, ")
-	defquote(SINGLEQT, ')
-    After these definitions,
-	DOUBLEQT(a, " b", c)	=> "a,"" b"",c"
-	SINGLEQT("Don't`, 'he said.") => '"Don''t, he said."'
-    Other examples defining quote styles for several languages will be
-    provided later.
-    A quoter is represented in M4 by a special identifying number and a
-    pointer to a Quoter record.  I expect that there will be few quoters
-    but that they will need to go fairly fast.
-#define	PLAIN1	0
-#define	PLAIN2	1
-#define	SIMPLE	2
-#define	SCAPED	3
-#define	FANCY	4
-struct Quoter
-    {
-	char *opener;
-	char *separator;
-	char *closer;
-	char *escape;
-	char *fancy[1+UCHAR_MAX];
-	char class[1+UCHAR_MAX];
-     };
-void freeQuoter(q)
-    struct Quoter *q;
-    {
-	int i;
-	free(q->opener);
-	free(q->separator);
-	free(q->closer);
-	free(q->escape);
-	for (i = UCHAR_MAX; i >= 0; i--)
-	    if (q->fancy[i]) free(q->fancy[i]);
-	free((char *)q);
-    }
-/*  dodefqt(<
-	0	?
-	1	defquote
-	2	MacroName
-      [	3	Opener
-      [ 4	Separator
-      [ 5	Closer
-      [ 6	Escape
-      [ 7	Default
-      [ 8	Letters
-      [ 9	Digits
-      [10	Simple
-      [11	Escaped
-      [11+i	Fancy[i]	]]]]]]]]]]>)
-void dodefqt(argv, argc)
-    char **argv;
-    int argc;
-    {
-	struct Quoter q, *r;
-	register int i;
-	register unsigned char *s;
-	register int c;
-	ndptr p;
-	if (!(argc > 2 && *argv[2])) error(nuldefmsg);
-	switch (argc > 7 ? argv[7][0] : '\0') {
-	    case 'l': case 'L':	c = PLAIN1; break;
-	    case 'd': case 'D': c = PLAIN2; break;
-	    case 'e': case 'E': c = SCAPED; break;
-	    case 'f': case 'F': c = FANCY;  break;
-	    default:            c = SIMPLE;
-	}
-	for (i = UCHAR_MAX; --i >= 0; ) q.class[i] = c;
-	for (i = UCHAR_MAX; --i >= 0; ) q.fancy[i] = 0;
-	q.opener = strsave(argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "");
-	q.separator = strsave(argc > 4 ? argv[4] : ",");
-	q.closer = strsave(argc > 5 ? argv[5] : q.opener);
-	q.escape = strsave(argc > 6 ? argv[6] : "");
-	if (argc > 8)
-	    for (s = (unsigned char *)argv[8]; c = *s++; )
-		q.class[c] = PLAIN1;
-	if (argc > 9)
-	    for (s = (unsigned char *)argv[9]; c = *s++; )
-		q.class[c] = PLAIN2;
-	if (argc > 10)
-	    for (s = (unsigned char *)argv[10]; c = *s++; )
-		q.class[c] = SIMPLE;
-	if (argc > 11)
-	    for (s = (unsigned char *)argv[11]; c = *s++; )
-		q.class[c] = SCAPED;
-	for (i = 12; i < argc; i++) {
-	    s = (unsigned char *)argv[i];
-	    c = *s++;
-	    q.fancy[c] = strsave((char *)s);
-	    q.class[c] = FANCY;
-	}
-	/*  Now we have to make sure that the closing quote works.  */
-	if ((c = q.closer[0]) && q.class[c] <= SIMPLE) {
-	    if (q.escape[0]) {
-		q.class[c] = SCAPED;
-	    } else {
-		char buf[3];
-		buf[0] = c, buf[1] = c, buf[2] = '\0';
-		q.fancy[c] = strsave(buf);
-	    	q.class[c] = FANCY;
-	    }
-	}
-	/*  We also have to make sure that the escape (if any) works.  */
-	if ((c = q.escape[0]) && q.class[c] <= SIMPLE) {
-	    q.class[c] = SCAPED;
-	}
-	r = (struct Quoter *)malloc(sizeof *r);
-	if (r == NULL) error("m4: no more memory");
-	*r = q;
-        p = addent(argv[2]);
-        p->defn = (char *)r;
-        p->type = QUTRTYPE;
-    }
-/*  doqutr(<DB MN A1 ... An>)
-	     0  1  2      n+1 argc
-    argv[0] points to the struct Quoter.
-    argv[1] points to the name of this quoting macro
-    argv[2..argc-1] point to the arguments.
-    This applies a user-defined quoting macro.  For example, we could
-    define a macro to produce Prolog identifiers:
-	defquote(plid, ', , ', , simple,
-	    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,
-    After doing that,
-	plid(foo)		=> foo
-	plid(*)			=> '*'
-	plid(Don't)		=> 'Don''t'
-	plid(foo,)		=> 'foo'
-void doqutr(argv, argc)
-    char **argv;
-    int argc;
-    /* DEFINITION-BLOCK MacroName Arg1 ... Argn
-       0                1         2        n-1   argc
-    */
-    {
-	struct Quoter *r = (struct Quoter *)argv[0];
-	char *p;
-	register unsigned char *b, *e;
-	int i;
-	register int c;
-	for (;;) {			/* does not actually loop */
-	    if (argc != 3) break;
-	    b = ucArgv(2);
-	    e = b + strlen((char*)b);
-	    if (e == b) break;
-	    if (r->class[*b++] != PLAIN1) break;
-	    while (b != e && r->class[*b] <= PLAIN2) b++;
-	    if (b != e) break;
-	    pbstr(argv[2]);		
-	    return;
-	}
-	p = r->closer;
-	if (argc < 3) {
-	    pbstr(p);
-	} else
-	for (i = argc-1; i >= 2; i--) {
-	    pbstr(p);
-	    b = ucArgv(i);
-	    e = b+strlen((char *)b);
-	    while (e != b)
-		switch (r->class[c = *--e]) {
-		    case FANCY:
-			p = r->fancy[c];
-			if (p) {
-			    pbstr(p);
-			} else {
-			    pbrad(c, 8, 1);
-			    pbstr(r->escape);
-			}
-			break;
-		    case SCAPED:
-			putback(c);
-			pbstr(r->escape);
-			break;
-		    default:
-			putback(c);
-			break;
-	        }
-	    p = r->separator;
-	}
-	pbstr(r->opener);
-    }
//GO.SYSIN DD serv.c
echo extr.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >extr.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD extr.h'
-/*  Header : extr.h
-    Author : Ozan Yigit
-    Updated: %G%
-#ifndef	putback
-extern ndptr hashtab[];		/* hash table for macros etc.  */
-extern char  buf[];		/* push-back buffer	       */
-extern char *bp;		/* first available character   */
-extern char *bb;		/* current beginning of bp     */
-extern char *endpbb;		/* end of push-back buffer     */
-extern stae  mstack[];		/* stack of m4 machine         */
-extern char *ep;		/* first free char in strspace */
-extern char *endest;		/* end of string space	       */
-extern int   sp;		/* current m4  stack pointer   */
-extern int   fp;		/* m4 call frame pointer       */
-extern char *bbstack[];
-extern FILE *infile[];		/* input file stack (0=stdin)  */
-extern FILE *outfile[];		/* diversion array(0=bitbucket)*/
-extern FILE *active;		/* active output file pointer  */
-extern char *m4temp;		/* filename for diversions     */
-extern int   UNIQUE;		/* where to change m4temp      */
-extern int   ilevel;		/* input file stack pointer    */
-extern int   oindex;		/* diversion index..	       */
-extern char *null;		/* as it says.. just a null..  */
-extern char *m4wraps;		/* m4wrap string default..     */
-extern char  lquote;		/* left quote character  (`)   */
-extern char  rquote;		/* right quote character (')   */
-extern char  vquote;		/* verbatim quote character ^V */
-extern char  scommt;		/* start character for comment */
-extern char  ecommt;		/* end character for comment   */
-/* inlined versions of chrsave() and putback() */
-extern char  pbmsg[];		/* error message for putback */
-extern char  csmsg[];		/* error message for chrsave */
-#define putback(c) do { if (bp >= endpbb) error(pbmsg); *bp++ = c; } while (0)
-#define chrsave(c) do { if (ep >= endest) error(csmsg); *ep++ = c; } while (0)
-/* getopt() interface */
-extern	char *	optarg;
-extern	int	optind;
-#ifdef	__STDC__
-extern	int	getopt(int, char **, char *);
-extern	int	getopt();
-#ifdef	__STDC__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* functions from misc.c */
-extern	char *	strsave(char *);
-extern	int	indx(char *, char *);
-extern	void	pbstr(char *);
-extern	void	pbqtd(char *);
-extern	void	pbnum(int);
-extern	void	pbrad(long int, int, int);
-extern	void	getdiv(int);
-extern	void	killdiv();
-extern	void	error(char *);
-extern	void	onintr(int);
-extern	void	usage();
-/* functions from look.c */
-extern	ndptr	lookup(char *);
-extern	ndptr	addent(char *);
-extern	void	remhash(char *, int);
-extern	void	addkywd(char *, int);
-/* functions from int2str.c */
-extern	char*	int2str(/* char*, int, long */);
-/* functions from serv.c */
-extern	void	expand(char **, int);
-extern	void	dodefine(char *, char *);
-extern	void	dopushdef(char *, char *);
-extern	void	dodefn(char *);
-extern	void	dodump(char **, int);
-extern	void	doifelse(char **, int);
-extern	int	doincl(char *);
-extern	void	dochq(char **, int);
-extern	void	dochc(char **, int);
-extern	void	dodiv(int);
-extern	void	doundiv(char **, int);
-extern	void	dosub(char **, int);
-extern	void	map(char *, char *, char *, char *);
-#ifdef	EXTENDED
-extern	int	dopaste(char *);
-extern	void	m4trim(char **, int);
-extern	void	dodefqt(char **, int);
-extern	void	doqutr(char **, int);
-/* functions from expr.c */
-extern	long	expr(char *);
-/* functions from misc.c */
-extern	char *	malloc();
-extern	char *	strsave();
-extern	int	indx();
-extern	void	pbstr();
-extern	void	pbqtd();
-extern	void	pbnum();
-extern	void	pbrad();
-extern	void	getdiv();
-extern	void	killdiv();
-extern	void	error();
-extern	int	onintr();
-extern	void	usage();
-/* functions from look.c */
-extern	ndptr	lookup();
-extern	ndptr	addent();
-extern	void	remhash();
-extern	void	addkywd();
-/* functions from int2str.c */
-extern	char*	int2str(/* char*, int, long */);
-/* functions from serv.c */
-extern	void	expand();
-extern	void	dodefine();
-extern	void	dopushdef();
-extern	void	dodefn();
-extern	void	dodump();
-extern	void	doifelse();
-extern	int	doincl();
-extern	void	dochq();
-extern	void	dochc();
-extern	void	dodiv();
-extern	void	doundiv();
-extern	void	dosub();
-extern	void	map();
-#ifdef	EXTENDED
-extern	int	dopaste();
-extern	void	m4trim();
-extern	void	dodefqt();
-extern	void	doqutr();
-/* functions from expr.c */
-extern	long	expr();
//GO.SYSIN DD extr.h
echo mdef.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >mdef.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mdef.h'
-/*  Header : mdef.h
-    Author : Ozan Yigit
-    Updated: 4 May 1992
-#ifndef	MACRTYPE
-#ifndef unix
-#define unix 0
-#ifndef vms
-#define vms 0
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#ifdef	__STDC__
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef	VOID
-#define void	int
-extern	int	strlen();
-extern	int	strcmp();
-extern	void	memcpy();
-/*  m4 constants */
-#define MACRTYPE        1
-#define DEFITYPE        2
-#define EXPRTYPE        3
-#define SUBSTYPE        4
-#define IFELTYPE        5
-#define LENGTYPE        6
-#define CHNQTYPE        7
-#define SYSCTYPE        8
-#define UNDFTYPE        9
-#define INCLTYPE        10
-#define SINCTYPE        11
-#define PASTTYPE        12
-#define SPASTYPE        13
-#define INCRTYPE        14
-#define IFDFTYPE        15
-#define PUSDTYPE        16
-#define POPDTYPE        17
-#define SHIFTYPE        18
-#define DECRTYPE        19
-#define DIVRTYPE        20
-#define UNDVTYPE        21
-#define DIVNTYPE        22
-#define MKTMTYPE        23
-#define ERRPTYPE        24
-#define M4WRTYPE        25
-#define TRNLTYPE        26
-#define DNLNTYPE        27
-#define DUMPTYPE        28
-#define CHNCTYPE        29
-#define INDXTYPE        30
-#define SYSVTYPE        31
-#define EXITTYPE        32
-#define DEFNTYPE        33
-#define LINETYPE	34
-#define TRIMTYPE	35
-#define TLITTYPE	36
-#define	DEFQTYPE	37		/* defquote */
-#define QUTRTYPE	38		/* quoter thus defined */
-#define STATIC          128
-/* m4 special characters */
-#define ARGFLAG         '$'
-#define LPAREN          '('
-#define RPAREN          ')'
-#define LQUOTE          '`'
-#define RQUOTE          '\''
-#define	VQUOTE		('V'&(' '- 1))
-#define COMMA           ','
-#define SCOMMT          '#'
-#define ECOMMT          '\n'
- * other important constants
- */
-#define EOS             (char) 0
-#define MAXINP          10              /* maximum include files   */
-#define MAXOUT          10              /* maximum # of diversions */
-#ifdef	SMALL
-#define MAXSTR           512            /* maximum size of string  */
-#define BUFSIZE         4096            /* size of pushback buffer */
-#define STACKMAX        1024            /* size of call stack      */
-#define STRSPMAX        4096            /* size of string space    */
-#define HASHSIZE         199            /* maximum size of hashtab */
-#define MAXSTR          1024            /* maximum size of string  */
-#define BUFSIZE         8192            /* size of pushback buffer */
-#define STACKMAX        2048            /* size of call stack      */
-#define STRSPMAX        8192            /* size of string space    */
-#define HASHSIZE         509            /* maximum size of hashtab */
-#define MAXTOK          MAXSTR          /* maximum chars in a tokn */
-#define ALL             1
-#define TOP             0
-#define TRUE            1
-#define FALSE           0
-/* m4 data structures */
-typedef struct ndblock *ndptr;
-struct ndblock                  /* hashtable structure        */
-    {
-        char    *name;          /* entry name..               */
-        char    *defn;          /* definition..               */
-        int     type;           /* type of the entry..        */
-        ndptr   nxtptr;         /* link to next entry..       */
-    };
-#define nil     ((ndptr) 0)
-typedef union			/* stack structure */
-    {	int	sfra;		/* frame entry  */
-	char 	*sstr;		/* string entry */
-    } stae;
- * macros for readibility and/or speed
- *
- *      gpbc()  - get a possibly pushed-back character
- *      min()   - select the minimum of two elements
- *      pushf() - push a call frame entry onto stack
- *      pushs() - push a string pointer onto stack
- */
-#define gpbc() 	 bp == bb ? getc(infile[ilevel]) : *--bp
-#define min(x,y) ((x > y) ? y : x)
-#define pushf(x) if (sp < STACKMAX) mstack[++sp].sfra = (x)
-#define pushs(x) if (sp < STACKMAX) mstack[++sp].sstr = (x)
- *	    .				   .
- *	|   .	|  <-- sp		|  .  |
- *	+-------+			+-----+
- *	| arg 3 ----------------------->| str |
- *	+-------+			|  .  |
- *	| arg 2 ---PREVEP-----+ 	   .
- *	+-------+	      |
- *	    .		      |		|     |
- *	+-------+	      | 	+-----+
- *	| plev	|  PARLEV     +-------->| str |
- *	+-------+			|  .  |
- *	| type	|  CALTYP		   .
- *	+-------+
- *	| prcf	---PREVFP--+
- *	+-------+  	   |
- *	|   .	|  PREVSP  |
- *	    .	   	   |
- *	+-------+	   |
- *	|	<----------+
- *	+-------+
- *
- */
-#define PARLEV  (mstack[fp].sfra)
-#define CALTYP  (mstack[fp-1].sfra)
-#define PREVEP	(mstack[fp+3].sstr)
-#define PREVSP	(fp-3)
-#define PREVFP	(mstack[fp-2].sfra)
//GO.SYSIN DD mdef.h
echo ourlims.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >ourlims.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ourlims.h'
-/*  File   : ourlims.h
-    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe
-/*  If <limits.h> is available, use that.
-    Otherwise, use 8-bit byte as the default.
-    If the number of characters is a power of 2, you might be able
-    to use (unsigned char)(~0), but why get fancy?
-#ifdef	__STDC__
-#include <limits.h>
-#define	UCHAR_MAX 255
-#define	CHAR_BIT 8
-#define LONG_BIT 32
//GO.SYSIN DD ourlims.h
echo m4.1 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >m4.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD m4.1'
-.\"	@(#) $Id$
-.Dd January 26, 1993
-.Dt m4 1
-.Nm m4
-.Nd macro language processor
-.Nm m4
-.Fl D Ns Ar name Ns Op Ar =value
-.Op Fl U Ns Ar name
-.Nm m4
-utility is a macro processor that can be used as a front end to any
-language (e.g., C, ratfor, fortran, lex, and yacc).
-.Nm m4
-reads from the standard input and writes
-the processed text to the standard output.
-Macro calls have the form name(argument1[, argument2, ...,] argumentN).
-There cannot be any space following the macro name and the open
-parentheses '('.  If the macro name is not followed by an open
-parentheses it is processed with no arguments.
-Macro names consist of a leading alphabetic or underscore
-possibly followed by alphanumeric or underscore characters, therefore
-valid macro names match this pattern [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*.
-In arguments to macros, leading unquoted space, tab and newline
-characters are ignored.  To quote strings use left and right single
-quotes (e.g., ` this is a string with a leading space').  You can change
-the quote characters with the changequote built-in macro.
-The options are as follows:
-.Bl -tag -width "-Dname[=value]xxx"
-.It Fl D Ns Ar name Ns Oo
-.Ar =value
-Define the symbol
-.Ar name
-to have some value (or NULL).
-.It Fl "U" Ns Ar "name"
-Undefine the symbol
-.Ar name .
-.Nm m4
-provides the following built-in macros.  They may be
-redefined, loosing their original meaning.
-Return values are NULL unless otherwise stated.
-.Bl -tag -width changequotexxx
-.It changecom
-Change the start and end comment sequences.  The default is
-the pound sign `#' and the newline character.  With no arguments
-comments are turned off.  The maximum length for a comment marker is
-five characters.
-.It changequote
-Defines the quote symbols to be the first and second arguments.
-The symbols may be up to five characters long.  If no arguments are
-given it restores the default open and close single quotes.
-.It decr
-Decrements the argument by 1.  The argument must be a valid numeric string.
-.It define
-Define a new macro named by the first argument to have the
-value of the second argument.  Each occurrence of $n (where n
-is 0 through 9) is replaced by the n'th argument.  $0 is the name
-of the calling macro.  Undefined arguments are replaced by a
-NULL string.  $# is replaced by the number of arguments; $*
-is replaced by all arguments comma separated; $@ is the same
-as $* but all arguments are quoted against further expansion.
-.It defn
-Returns the quoted definition for each argument.  This can be used to rename
-macro definitions (even for built-in macros).
-.It divert
-There are 10 output queues (numbered 0-9).
-At the end of processing
-.Nm m4
-concatenates all the queues in numerical order to produce the
-final output.  Initially the output queue is 0.  The divert
-macro allows you to select a new output queue (an invalid argument
-passed to divert causes output to be discarded).
-.It divnum
-Returns the current output queue number.
-.It dnl
-Discard input characters up to and including the next newline.
-.It dumpdef
-Prints the names and definitions for the named items, or for everything
-if no arguments are passed.
-.It errprint
-Prints the first argument on the standard error output stream.
-.It eval
-Computes the first argument as an arithmetic expression using 32-bit
-arithmetic.  Operators are the standard C ternary, arithmetic, logical,
-shift, relational, bitwise, and parentheses operators.  You can specify
-octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers as in C.  The second argument (if
-any) specifies the radix for the result and the third argument (if
-any) specifies the minimum number of digits in the result.
-.It expr
-This is an alias for eval.
-.It ifdef
-If the macro named by the first argument is defined then return the second
-argument, otherwise the third.  If there is no third argument,
-the value is NULL.  The word `unix' is predefined.
-.It ifelse
-If the first argument matches the second argument then ifelse returns
-the third argument.  If the match fails the three arguments are
-discarded and the next three arguments are used until there is
-zero or one arguments left, either this last argument or NULL is
-returned if no other matches were found.
-.It include
-Returns the contents of the file specified in the first argument.
-Include aborts with an error message if the file cannot be included.
-.It incr
-Increments the argument by 1.  The argument must be a valid numeric string.
-.It index
-Returns the index of the second argument in the first argument (e.g.,
-index(the quick brown fox jumped, fox) returns 16).  If the second
-argument is not found index returns -1.
-.It len
-Returns the number of characters in the first argument.  Extra arguments
-are ignored.
-.It m4exit
-Immediately exits with the return value specified by the first argument,
-0 if none.
-.It m4wrap
-Allows you to define what happens at the final EOF, usually for cleanup
-purposes (e.g., m4wrap("cleanup(tempfile)") causes the macro cleanup to
-invoked after all other processing is done.)
-.It maketemp
-Translates the string XXXXX in the first argument with the current process
-ID leaving other characters alone.  This can be used to create unique
-temporary file names.
-.It paste
-Includes the contents of the file specified by the first argument without
-any macro processing.  Aborts with an error message if the file cannot be
-.It popdef
-Restores the pushdef'ed definition for each argument.
-.It pushdef
-Takes the same arguments as define, but it saves the definition on a
-stack for later retrieval by popdef.
-.It shift
-Returns all but the first argument, the remaining arguments are
-quoted and pushed back with commas in between.  The quoting
-nullifies the effect of the extra scan that will subsequently be
-.It sinclude
-Similar to include, except it ignores any errors.
-.It spaste
-Similar to spaste, except it ignores any errors.
-.It substr
-Returns a substring of the first argument starting at the offset specified
-by the second argument and the length specified by the third argument.
-If no third argument is present it returns the rest of the string.
-.It syscmd
-Passes the first argument to the shell.  Nothing is returned.
-.It sysval
-Returns the return value from the last syscmd.
-.It translit
-Transliterate the characters in the first argument from the set
-given by the second argument to the set given by the third.  You cannot
-.Xr tr 1
-style abbreviations.
-.It undefine
-Removes the definition for the macro specified by the first argument.
-.It undivert
-Flushes the named output queues (or all queues if no arguments).
-.It unix
-A pre-defined macro for testing the OS platform.
-Ozan Yigit <oz@sis.yorku.ca> and Richard A. O'Keefe (ok@goanna.cs.rmit.OZ.AU)
//GO.SYSIN DD m4.1