*BSD News Article 20742

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From: adam@veda.is (Adam David)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs
Subject: Re: com driver problems in NetBSD 0.9
Message-ID: <CD5Hp8.3uH@veda.is>
Date: 10 Sep 93 18:22:05 GMT
References: <1993Sep5.184053.5872@newstand.syr.edu> <cproto.747358704@marsh> <26l2nv$ja7@netbsd08.dn.itg.telecom.com.au> <cproto.747585384@marsh> <cproto.747589511@marsh> <26pfqk$36r@netbsd08.dn.itg.telecom.com.au>
Organization: Veda Systems, Iceland
Lines: 27

tdwyer@netbsd08.dn.itg.telecom.com.au (Terry Dwyer netbsd08 619 491 5161) writes:

>Computer Protocol (cproto@cs.curtin.edu.au) wrote:
>: The settings are _almost_ reasonable but I just noticed that
>: the setting becomes "a bit strange". After login the setting
>                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>: is 8N1. Once I start VI/ELVIS it becomes 7N1. My first terminal
>  ^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>: goes doesn't have 7N1 and throws up in a bad way. The second

>bad luck, probably not a lot you can do about it

What you can do until this is fixed is install the sio driver, which
protects the serial port from having its settings clobbered, or use
'screen' as a second-stage login shell, like this...

if [ `tty` = com02 ]; then   # or other suitable test
        exec /usr/local/bin/screen -R

at the end of /etc/csh.login and /etc/profile

This ensures that there is always a pty protecting the serial port from
the tty settings, and the serial link does not get garbled.
