*BSD News Article 20629

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From: vax@sylvester.cc.utexas.edu (Vax)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Variable Blocking Tapes and Restore(1) - help!
Date: 8 Sep 1993 08:21:41 -0500
Organization: The University of Texas - Austin
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <26km95$p1f@sylvester.cc.utexas.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sylvester.cc.utexas.edu

I have been unable to get restore to work on a dump tape I made with the
following command line:
dump 0uBf 312500 /dev/nrst0 /

And restoring with:
restore rf /dev/nrst0       OR
restore rf /dev/ras1d (on the 0.2 disks)

I am using a Tandberg TDC-3800, a variable-blocking (I think!) tape drive.
When using default 0.2 fixit disks, I get the usual:

as1a: controller error 0x12 reading fsbn 0
scsi sense: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... 0 0
as1a: controller error 0x12 reading fsbn 0
scsi sense: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... 0 0
Checksum error 10547765572 inode 0 file (null)
Tape is not a dump tape

When I used my kernel with Julian's SCSI stuff, I get some kind
of "length error" message, I think maybe the number "22" as well.
Then, "Tape is not a dump tape" again.

If anyone has a disk image that they know to work for restoring
dump tapes off DAT or other varblocking drives, please uuencode it and
mail it to me, or mail me on how to get it.

If there is another problem with what I am doing, and it's really obvious,
please point it out to me.  Thanks!

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VaX#n8 vax@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu - Don't blame me if the finger daemon is down