*BSD News Article 20373

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From: boyd@austin.ibm.com (Boyd R. Faulkner)
Subject: Re: [ANSWER to question] How to format a floppy for 386bsd
Originator: boyd@pal411.austin.ibm.com
Message-ID: <CCsDJu.A1q@austin.ibm.com>
Sender: boyd@austin.ibm.com ()
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1993 16:23:54 GMT
Reply-To: boyd@austin.ibm.com
References: <1993Aug30.212058.15141@news.weeg.uiowa.edu> <1993Aug31.050228.22034@fcom.cc.utah.edu> <MYCROFT.93Sep2025505@trinity.gnu.ai.mit.edu> <1993Sep2.174803.29376@fcom.cc.utah.edu>
Organization: IBM Austin
Lines: 34

In article <1993Sep2.174803.29376@fcom.cc.utah.edu>, terry@cs.weber.edu (A Wizard of Earth C) writes:
> Actually, it was worded in such a way as to get someone to go to an archive
> and grab it and integrate it (it requires a header and a floppy driver
> change, besides the format program itself).  For many reasons (well known
> to others, Charles included), I can't make the code changes myself and
> then make them available (be assured, I've been able to format floppies
> on all my machines for 9 months now, and the format program has been
> linked against real shared libraries without any Sun/BSD4.4 code in them
                 ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
                 ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^

which might these be and will they be available soon?!  Define "real", please.
Oh, and which set of politics?  There seem to be so many and I am having trouble
determining which is which.  Sorry, I haven't been paying enough attention :-)

> for 3 of those months -- God I hate politics!).
> 					Terry Lambert
> 					terry@icarus.weber.edu
> ---
> Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
> or previous employers.

I am not the mouth of IBM. 

Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.  (Succinct, I had to steal it.)

Boyd Faulkner