*BSD News Article 18768

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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Compiling Kernel with GCC-2: How, exactly?
Message-ID: <haley.743405418@husc.harvard.edu>
From: haley@husc10.harvard.edu (Elizabeth Haley)
Date: 23 Jul 93 05:30:18 GMT
References: <1993Jul22.011943.26148@husc14.harvard.edu> <22n0m7$7q0@pdq.coe.montana.edu>
Nntp-Posting-Host: husc10.harvard.edu
Lines: 30

nate@bsd.coe.montana.edu (Nate Williams) writes:

>Get either NetBSD or FreeBSD when they are released.  :-)

>Both will come with (at least) gcc2.4.5 ready to rock and roll.
Oh, arrr...
I think I can see what's coming...

Err, uhh, speaking once again as a person low on disk space and lower
on cash:
1) Will there be a patchkit released to convert from say 0.1 + pk2.4
to FreeBSD???
2) If so would you please either issue a separate patch to convert a
standard 2.4.5 distribution into a part of the tool chain, or at least
let people know which patch actually contains 2.4.5, so that maybe we
can make the aforementioned on our own.

Despite having quite enough space for the normal distribution, I am
getting low on memory again, for having things like the dist of 2.4.5
from hal.gnu... not too mention oleo, gas-2.1.1, kermit, emacs, etc.

I am already juggling things as it is...


>nate@bsd.coe.montana.edu     |  In the middle of it ........ again. 
>nate@cs.montana.edu          |  Running/supporting one of many freely available 
>work #: (406) 994-4836       |  Operating Systems for [34]86 machines.
>home #: (406) 586-0579       |  (based on Net/2, name changes all the time :-)