*BSD News Article 18666

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From: stavros@mprg1.mprg.ee.vt.edu (Stavros Striglis)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: VIDEO problem
Date: 20 Jul 1993 19:15:46 GMT
Organization: MPRG
Lines: 22
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <22hg92$957@vtserf.cc.vt.edu>
Reply-To: stavros@mprg1.mprg.ee.vt.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: mprg1.mprg.ee.vt.edu

We bought a 486dx50 2-months ago from QUANTEX and from the first day we realized
that even though it was supposed to be SVGA, Local Bus, 1 MB mem ..etc, it could
not support more than 16 colors under any resolution (1024, or 800 ). 

We changed one monitor (1024x780 NI), and two video cards ( CIRRUS L.B.), with no luck. 

The problem remains the same: For more than 16 colors (under any resolution) the icons in Windows -Program Manager and other Windows Applications - appear smeared, and missaligned. The text in the documents looks fussy, as if it is in "BOLD". And next to the characters there is a white shadow which makes them look even worse.

We tried different scan rates, but the problem still remains. However, the picture looks very CLEAR UNDER DOS.The tech support people know very little to be of any help. 

Now it's been 3 weeks since they sent me a different video card (Paradise) but without the drivers, so I'm stuck again.

Q1: Does any of you know or suspect what is the problem ?

Q2: Is there any way I can get the Paradise drivers from any other source ?

Q3: Do you think its time to send the system back ?

Thanks in advance .... Stavros