*BSD News Article 18437

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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs
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From: martin@bi-link.owl.de (Martin Husemann)
Subject: ctype.h Bug & Fix
Organization: IN - individual network, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, FRG
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 20:40:35 GMT
Message-ID: <CA69Fo.Lwv@bi-link.owl.de>
Lines: 45

There is a small bug in /usr/include/ctype.h:

toupper() and tolower() are expected (by the ANSI standard at least) 
to work proper on all characters. They don't: toupper will try to
convert an uppercase letter as well.

The fix is easy:

#define	toupper(c)	(islower(c)?((c) - 'a' + 'A'):(c))
#define	tolower(c)	(isupper(c)?((c) - 'A' + 'a'):(c))

Of course, there are some illegal uses of this macros. Remember:
arguments to macros should *never* have side effects like in

		*cp++ = toupper(*dev++);

An example is in /usr/src/usr.sbin/config/mkheaders.c, which should
be fixed like this:

 * convert a dev name to a macro name
char *tomacro(dev)
	register char *dev;
	static char mbuf[20];
	register char *cp;

	cp = mbuf;
	*cp++ = 'N';
	while (*dev) {
		*cp++ = toupper(*dev);
	*cp++ = 0;
	return (mbuf);

"In computer languages, beauty is only scan deep"    -    Larry Wall