*BSD News Article 1797

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Xref: sserve comp.protocols.nfs:3994 comp.unix.bsd:1830
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From: hanson@pogo.fnal.gov (Steve Hanson)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.nfs,comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: Are there other ports of BSD "NFS over TCP"?
Keywords: NFS TCP
Message-ID: <hanson.710107396@pogo>
Date: 2 Jul 92 20:03:16 GMT
References: <EICHIN.92Jul1200613@tsx-11.mit.edu>
Sender: news@fnnews.fnal.gov
Followup-To: comp.protocols.nfs
Organization: FERMILAB, Batavia, IL
Lines: 16
Nntp-Posting-Host: pogo.fnal.gov

In <EICHIN.92Jul1200613@tsx-11.mit.edu> eichin@athena.mit.edu (Mark W. Eichin) writes:

>	Has anyone ported this code to other operating systems? I'm
>particularly interested in having the server side under SunOS, though
>I'd appreciate news of other ports as well.
>				_Mark_ <eichin@athena.mit.edu>
>				MIT Student Information Processing Board
>				Cygnus Support <eichin@cygnus.com>

>[*] about 1550 bytes/second, roughly 80% if you remember that bytes
>are 10 bits on the wire.
I believe Sun has shown versions of NFS over TCP and that
it is going to be part of Solaris 2.
Steve Hanson - FERMILAB, Batavia, Il.  (708)840-8043
hanson@pogo.fnal.gov or hanson@fnal.fnal.gov