*BSD News Article 15860

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From: lessen@axion.bt.co.uk (Lee Essen)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: [NetBSD] Config, IRQ's and Strays
Date: 10 May 1993 13:33:20 GMT
Organization: British Telecom Research Labs
Lines: 17
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <1993May10.143030@axion.bt.co.uk>
Reply-To: lessen@axion.bt.co.uk (Lee Essen)
NNTP-Posting-Host: jammy.axion.bt.co.uk

Just a couple of questions, using NetBSD 0.8.

How do you setup a device in the configuration file so that it doesn't
have a interrupt? (I've got an ST01 with interrupts disabled, I had left
the config line set to IRQ 5, but I need that now!)

I didn't read the strayintr postings earlier (I hadn't had any) but I'm
getting some strayintr 1ff messages now. What does this mean? Is it serious
and can it be fixed ?

