*BSD News Article 15703

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From: mycroft@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu (Charles Hannum)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc
Subject: Re: GPL again.  Sigh.  (was Re: So you say you want an interim release...)
Date: 6 May 1993 00:33:14 -0400
Organization: dis
Lines: 44
Message-ID: <1sa4ea$2et8@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu>
References: <1qvpc9$1e8@agate.berkeley.edu> <PC123.93May5000713@bootes.cus.cam.ac.uk> <C6J0wq.40n@kithrup.com> <PC123.93May5232259@bootes.cus.cam.ac.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hal.ai.mit.edu

Surprise!  This is not a flame...

In article <PC123.93May5232259@bootes.cus.cam.ac.uk>
pc123@cus.cam.ac.uk (Pete Chown) writes:
> I don't want to start this flame war off again, I only posted on the
> subject because I wanted to suggest setting up an archive of ported
> GNU software for those who didn't mind the GPL.

There already *is* one; alpha.gnu.ai.mit.edu:/386bsd (soon to switch
over to NetBSD).

I've set up this archive not necessarily because I think the GNU
software is better.  (In fact, in many cases it's just larger, slower,
and buggier.)  I set it up only because I recognize that many people
want the GNU versions of utilities; I don't even use most of it myself.

>> In addition, glibc, and the Linux libc, are not better "because they
>> are under the GPL."  They are better despite being GPL'd...
> Quite so.  I missed out a comma, causing you to make a parse error.
> I leave you to work out the details... :-)

I don't agree.  The only problem I'm aware of in the current NetBSD
library is the inaccuracy of printf()ing floating point numbers.

> The Linux libc is certainly free of a lot of the annoying glitches in
> the BSD one.

Would you care to elaborate on what these `annoying glitches' are?  I
certainly haven't seen any reported.  If I hear about them, I will fix
them (within reason; this *is* volunteer work, after all).

>> 1.  I can make a case that the LGPL buys one nothing over the GPL.
> I read it again, and I believe you are right.

I am impressed not that you agree, but that you actually reread it.

 \  /   Charles Hannum, mycroft@ai.mit.edu
 /\ \   PGP public key available on request.  MIME, AMS, NextMail accepted.
Scheme  White heterosexual atheist male (WHAM) pride!