*BSD News Article 15655

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From: mycroft@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu (Charles Hannum)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc
Subject: Re: So you say you want an interim release of 386bsd? (What to do?)
Date: 5 May 1993 10:26:43 -0400
Organization: dis
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <1s8ir3$1e1d@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu>
References: <1s8d6kINNbji@dtix.dt.navy.mil>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hal.ai.mit.edu

The flaw in this logic should be obvious.

In article <1s8d6kINNbji@dtix.dt.navy.mil> fisher@ivy.dt.navy.mil
> Question:  Since so many 386BSD people are against the GPL, shouldn't
> those same people not use any GNU software to be consistant?  Such as
> gcc?  

Question:  Since so many GPL supporters are against non-GPL software,
shouldn't those same people not use any non-GPL software to be
consistent?  Such as Unix, X, DOS, or most everything else?

A computer is a *tool*.  My principle is to use the best tool available
to me for a reasonable exchange.  I also provide tools for others.  I
do *not* try to make a political statement about socialism through

 \  /   Charles Hannum, mycroft@ai.mit.edu
 /\ \   PGP public key available on request.  MIME, AMS, NextMail accepted.
Scheme  White heterosexual atheist male (WHAM) pride!