*BSD News Article 15642

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From: stefanb@cygnus.uni-muenster.de (Stefan Bohm)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: X386 coredumps
Date: 5 May 1993 08:07:58 GMT
Organization: University of M"unster / Germany
Lines: 27
Sender: stefanb@cygnus (Stefan Bohm)
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <1s7sku$1ed8@obelix.uni-muenster.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: cygnus.uni-muenster.de

Hi folks!

I have a "little" problem with my X386 Server. Starting two larger applications
(e.g. Emacs) and iconifying both windows crashes my Xserver and produces a
core dump. Investigating the core with gdb tells me that the Xserver could not
access some of his memory.
I tried the original XFree86 binary distribution and also compiled the whole
Mit-stuff myself. The result is the same.
I am running olvwm as window manager.

Does somebody know, how to solve the problem?

My hardware:
486DX 50, 16MB
Adaptec 1542B, Fujitsu 520MB SCSI, Quantum 105MB SCSI

      _____   ____    Stefan Bohm
     / ___/  / __ \  Astronomisches Institut der
    / /__   / /_/ / Westf. Wilhelms Universit"at   Tel.  : (0251) 83-9123
   /__  /  / __  / FB 16, Physik                   FAX   : (0251) 83-3669
  ___/ /  / /_/ / Wilhelm Klemm Str. 10            e-Mail:
 /____/  /_____/ D-4400 M"unster                 stefanb@cygnus.uni-muenster.de
                Germany                              kirk@zappa.uni-muenster.de