*BSD News Article 15615

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From: dorian@neon.house.gov (Dorian Deane)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Soft sectored drive support (Was "Trap 18" problem)
Date: 4 May 1993 16:44:26 -0400
Organization: House Information Systems
Lines: 23
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <1s6kja$dom@neon.house.gov>
NNTP-Posting-Host: neon.house.gov


We've made some progress since my posting regarding trap type 18 with 
a panic.  It seems that the drive, an ESDI Maxtor EXT4380, is 
soft-sectored.  This is what is causing the trap.  However, now we need
to know if there's a way to support a soft-sectored disk, or are we just
out of luck?

I'm not sure it matters, but his system is a generic 386 33Mhz with 
8 Mb of memory, a Maxtor 330 Mb ESDI drive.  It's using the AMD 386 CPU.

Please email your replies to me and I'll post a summary if there's any 
interest, or if the replies are especially interesting.



Dorian Deane		dorian@cobalt.house.gov
House Information Systems
Washington, DC  20515