*BSD News Article 14803

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From: terry@cs.weber.edu (A Wizard of Earth C)
Subject: Re: Flowchart symbols (in ASCII) ISO-1028
Message-ID: <1993Apr20.214103.20300@fcom.cc.utah.edu>
Keywords: flowchart symbols ISO-1028
Sender: news@fcom.cc.utah.edu
Organization: Weber State University  (Ogden, UT)
References: <C5qBq9.5D8@sugar.neosoft.com> <1993Apr19.171135.19105@fcom.cc.utah.edu> <1qv171INN417@srvr1.engin.umich.edu>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 93 21:41:03 GMT
Lines: 22

In article <1qv171INN417@srvr1.engin.umich.edu> plph@engin.umich.edu (Mark Montague) writes:
[ ... ]
>I use flowcharts when I want to make a non-programmer understand a

A preemptive response in the style of the first response in this thread
(sorry, Peter, couldn't resist):

"Making non-programmers understand algorithms? I thought that went out with
 lovebeads and bellbottoms..."

					Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.
                                        "I have an 8 user poetic license" - me
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