*BSD News Article 14693

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From: jcburt@gatsibm.larc.nasa.gov ()
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux,comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Summary of Linux vs. 386BSD vs. Commercial Unixes
Date: 19 Apr 1993 14:11:07 GMT
Organization: NASA Langley Research Center
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <1qubtrINN803@rave.larc.nasa.gov>
References: <1993Apr17.194341.4562@serval.net.wsu.edu> <1qq2ts$1lo8@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu> <JWINSTEA.93Apr17163121@fenris.claremont.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gatsibm.larc.nasa.gov

In article <JWINSTEA.93Apr17163121@fenris.claremont.edu> jwinstea@fenris.claremont.edu (Jim Winstead Jr.) writes:
>In article <1qq2ts$1lo8@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu> mycroft@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu (Charles Hannum) writes:
>   In article <1993Apr17.194341.4562@serval.net.wsu.edu> hlu@eecs.wsu.edu
>   (HJ Lu) writes:
>   >
>   > That means no GNU copyrighted code in the "official" 386bsd release.
>   You are full of shit.  The `official' release include GCC, GDB, GNU
>   tar, and several other pieces of GNU code.
>I believe HJ may have spoken a little hastily.  I believe, however,
>that the Jolitz' have said they do not want any copylefted code in the
>*kernel proper*.  Hence, Linus was asked (or volunteered?) to make the
>math emulation code available under a BSDish copyright, which he did.
>I remember a flap in the 386BSD community a little while ago about an
>improved serial driver (?) that the author had copylefted, which
>angered a good many people, and the author had to loosen the copyright
>to the BSDish form for it to be accepted.
[...stuff deleted...]

Just out of curiosity, I remember awhile back that AT&T was suing BSDI
for copyright infringement, or something along those lines. I also 
remember that BSD386 (the BSDI product) and 386BSD were originally one
and the same, being developed by the Jolitz's and friends. At some point
a feud broke out and 386BSD (the free product) seperated from BSD386
(the commercial product). Now, does the AT&T suit against BSDI affect
386BSD in any way ?
