*BSD News Article 14287

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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Anyone using Adaptec 1542C with 386BSD?
Message-ID: <1993Apr8.161407.4777@nic.csu.net>
From: jtmack@marge.sfsu.edu (James T. Mack)
Date: 8 Apr 93 16:14:04 PDT
References: <1993Apr7.080305.5732@spider.co.uk>
Nntp-Posting-Host: marge.sfsu.edu
Lines: 32

In article <1993Apr7.080305.5732@spider.co.uk>  writes:
> In article <tcchang.21.734088963@mbox.ee.ncu.edu.tw>  
tcchang@mbox.ee.ncu.edu.tw (T.C.Chang) writes:
> >  Although the ADAPTEC declares that the 1542C is full competible with  
> >but things don't like it!!
> >
> >  The 1542C CAN'T boot 386bsd!  Although is works fine with SCO and  
DOS.  We
> >have tried many times to confirm it, but know nothing why it is.
> I installed a 1542C last night.  It's not my primary drive, but I *can*  
> off it via the BOOTEASY 1.2 boot partition selector (which allows you to  
> directly to the second disk).  I use julian's boot blocks and the kernel
> distributed with patchkit 0.2(.1?).  My primary drive is IDE.
> I even bumped the DMA transfer speed up to 6.7Mb/s (diagnostics failed  
at 8.0
> on my system), and first impressions are very satisfactory.
> 		Mark.
	But can you boot from a floopy connected to the Adaptec? I can't
do anything until I get that initial boot from the dist.fs. Is there  
anyway someone could put a image of the bootable floppy for the 1542c  
anywhere. :)  It's been 3 mo. and haven't successfully gotten my darn  
machine to boot. I have Linux up though (not to be comparing the two), but  
I wanted to run 386bsd and I am sick of reading a million posts a day on  
comp.os.linux. :)
	Thanks again.