*BSD News Article 13914

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From: rgrimes@agora.rain.com (Rodney Grimes)
Subject: Re: any chance of...
Message-ID: <C4utn0.AC1@agora.rain.com>
Organization: Open Communications Forum
References: <1pauv5INN771@iskut.ucs.ubc.ca> <1993Mar31.031615.5064@coe.montana.edu> <DRG.93Mar31124727@candidus.ma30.bull.com> <C4sy6r.8rM@sugar.neosoft.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1993 11:37:47 GMT
Lines: 27

peter@NeoSoft.com (Peter da Silva) writes:

>In article <DRG.93Mar31124727@candidus.ma30.bull.com> drg@candidus.ma30.bull.com (Daniel R. Guilderson) writes:
>> That's a good enough reason for me.  I have trouble enough trying to
>> remember the flags for one archiving program, never mind two.  I vote
>> for tar.

>I have enough trouble remembering the flags for one archiving program, never
>mind two.  I vote for cpio.

I dont have any problem rembering the flags to both...  SO I'll make it 
harder for everyone.. pax hows that, now even I have to learn another
archive program...

Triple smileys.. and a <chuckle>

>Peter da Silva.  <peter@sugar.neosoft.com>.
> `-_-'   Oletko halannut suttasi tänään?
>  'U`    
>Tarjoilija, tämä ateria elää vielä.
Rod Grimes						rgrimes@agora.rain.com
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