*BSD News Article 13707

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From: hase@cs.tu-berlin.de (Hartmut Semken)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: #386BSD: Trouble with RLL drive
Date: 30 Mar 1993 16:23:11 GMT
Organization: Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Lines: 33
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Hello all!
I am having tons of trouble installing 386BSD on my hard disk.
I already tried 386BSD with an 100 MB IDE drive. That did work fine.
But 100 MB is not a lot for 386BSD, as You know.
Now I have an Adaptec RLL controllern and a Maxtor disk drive with 240
MB. I did not find a way to use both controllers simultaniously, so I
tried wth the RLL only.
If I install 386BSD o the entire drive, and I reboot, I get a working
system. All is fine.
If I try to install a DOS partition and install 386BSD on the
remaining space - worked with the IDE drive - I get a cvm_faultR (or
something the like) and the machine reboots immediately.
This happens whether I run the drive in RLL (1224 cylinders, 15 heads,
26 sectors) mode, or let the controlle anslate it to 63 sectors or 17
sectors per track.
The error seems to be the same in all cases.
What is the problem? How can I solve it?
Sadly I need DOS on this box for my *bloved* homework (assembly
language for beginners)

please mail to hase@netmbx.netmbx.de or hase@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de

Thanks a lot!