*BSD News Article 11595

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From: jtmack@sutro.SFSU.EDU (James T. Mack)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: help booting from dist.fs
Message-ID: <1993Feb19.183232.4224@nic.csu.net>
Date: 20 Feb 93 02:32:31 GMT
Organization: San Francisco State University
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	Thanx for the response before. But, I'm still dead in the water.
I got the patch for dist.fs <- the ATT & HP patch and it's still just floating
It takes over my system too, so I can't CTR-ALT-DEL out. I'll explain my system
and explain what I have. 
Sytem: Packard Bell Axcel 386sx, with Phoenix ROM BIOS 1.10 02
       Adaptec AHA-1522 controller.
	Maxtor 640 meg drive.
	Toshiba XM-3300 CD-ROM
	Truecolor 1280 VGA card, Pixel Engineering (*yuck*)
	SoundBlasterPro card.
	The CD-ROM has the 386BSD dated from 8-17-92. I'm going to download
the other versions of the dist.fs and see if one works. Anyway if anyone can
see a problem with what I'm doing please tell. Thanx again...