*BSD News Article 10930

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From: jp@tygra.Michigan.COM (John Palmer)
Subject: Re: Listing of all Internet addresses???
Organization: CAT-TALK Conferencing System
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1993 03:52:41 GMT
Message-ID: <1993Feb9.035242.27126jp@tygra.Michigan.COM>
References: <HSTAMS.6.0@cipvax.biolan.Uni-Koeln.DE> <1l1kkfINNe0m@fbi-news.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE> <JAAPJL.93Feb8164406@cmb00.larc.nasa.gov>
Lines: 45

In article <JAAPJL.93Feb8164406@cmb00.larc.nasa.gov> J Lee Jaap <J.L.Jaap@larc.nasa.gov> writes:
"In article <1l1kkfINNe0m@fbi-news.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE> rv@deins.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE (Ruediger Volk) writes:
"   In article <HSTAMS.6.0@cipvax.biolan.Uni-Koeln.DE>, HSTAMS@cipvax.biolan.Uni-Koeln.DE (Henning Stams) writes:
"     > Is there any good reason not to use "nslookup" to get a host address?
"   yes - there are nicer programs for querying domain name servers around.
"   Have a look at 
"   -  host	(that's mainly for easy use) or
"   -  dig (for sophisticated DNS hackers)
"   at a software archive nearby:-)
"[Reverse-erase] Is there any good reason not do perform a DNS lookup
"to get a host address?  :-)  (There's always "we don't do DNS", but
"that's not a good one.)

dig and host are nice if you have a BERKELEY system. Neither of them work
under System V or Xenix and thus are USELESS to half (or more) of the 
UNIX population. Please people, I for one am getting tired of seeing posts
which say "there is  this wiz-bang pd software that can do everything - just
ftp it from a.host.com, etc", only to find its nothing but a piece of s***
since it only runs under convoluted Berkeley. I hope USL wins their lawsuit 
and forces BSD to comply with real UNIX standards.
But for now, please do us a favor: If you are going to reccomend a 
piece of software, please tell us if its BERKELEY-esq. That way, we
don't waste net bandwidth ftping a piece of crap.
---flame off 
ps: and by the way, BIND and dump/rdump are just as useless for the same
reason as is traceroute. At least traceroute compiles, but it never returns
any useful information at all, just 1 * * *, 2 * * * up to 30 * * * and then
it quits. 
Oh, forgive me, you can control how many x * * *'s you get before it
quits with the -m option. 
"Come on Jiro, its    | E-MAIL: jp@michigan.com  CAT-TALK IS BACK as a FREE
 time for your        | SYSTEM!! 313-882-2209 300-14400 V.32/V.32BIS/TurboPEP
  medication"         | Anon-UUCP: System: tygra, Login: nuucp, no pw
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