*BSD News Article 10862

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From: osyjm@cs.montana.edu (Jaye Mathisen)
Subject: Re: [386BSD] Port of Postgres 4.0/Picasso?
Message-ID: <1993Feb5.182943.24667@coe.montana.edu>
Keywords: postgres DBMS, Picasso Interface Toolkit, porting
Sender: usenet@coe.montana.edu (USENET News System)
Organization: CS
References: <C1y0EA.9vx@acsu.buffalo.edu>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1993 18:29:43 GMT
Lines: 12

In article <C1y0EA.9vx@acsu.buffalo.edu> jmsimon@acsu.buffalo.edu (JMS) writes:
>I have been considering tackling Postgres and Picasso ports
>to 386bsd, but wanted to first ask if anyone has already done
>this, has tried unsuccessfully, or thinks there is a better
>solution to database needs.

Hmph.  Methinks the first problem will be the lack of shared memory, which
should make it exciting.  Overcoming that might be tough.
 Jaye Mathisen, COE Systems Manager                (406) 994-4780
 410 Roberts Hall,Dept. of Computer Science
 Montana State University,Bozeman MT 59717	osyjm@cs.montana.edu